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Happy Earth Day!

Seeing the wildflowers on the news and hoping for a good monsoon season here again gives me something to hold onto. Healthy elk and antelope around the last few days adds to the hope.
Enjoy Wild America. Cherish it!
Thanks, Hank. Wild places are home to some, church to others. A set of resources to be bought, sold, consumed; or the beginning, ending and continuance of life. For several centuries the people who bet their livelihoods and futures on conquest and consumption have come out ahead of those who took what was needed and lived in balance with the earth and sky. That is how many came to believe human interests supercede all others, and that technology will continue to provide what nature no longer can.

  • “The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it.”—Barry Commoner

  • “We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.” —Barbara Ward

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