Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Handling Trichinosis prone meats


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2017
Central California
I will be starting to hunt hogs soon and black bears in the future. I understand trichinosis is possible with eating undercooked meats from both of these animals. My question is what do you do to clean your hunting knives, kitchen knives and cutting boards? Obviously proper temperature through cooking takes care of the parasites in the meat, but does simply washing your equipment with soap and water "wash away" any potential parasites or do you have to actually sanitize that equipment to make it safe for use on something else that you would eat fresh?
Trichinosis is killed by heating to a 1 second temp of 165 degrees, so dropping your knives in a pan of boiling soapy water will do the trick. Most dishwashers have a sanitize cycle which gets water in the 180 degree range which is more than enough, so it's safe to throw cutting boards and the like into the dishwasher.

A bleach solution is also effective for wiping down surfaces.
Trichinosis is killed by heating to a 1 second temp of 165 degrees, so dropping your knives in a pan of boiling soapy water will do the trick. Most dishwashers have a sanitize cycle which gets water in the 180 degree range which is more than enough, so it's safe to throw cutting boards and the like into the dishwasher.

A bleach solution is also effective for wiping down surfaces.

I always clean up my meat processing knives, boards, and grinder parts with a bleach solution and then rinse them with boiling water.
The cysts will be throughout on an infected animal, so just don't switch critters without cleaning your equipment. Good hygiene will take care of transfer, if you are transferring cysts you are not clean enough and you are transferring a lot of other stuff too.

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