Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Gun Ownership Stats


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2014
The states with the highest gun ownership rates are:

1. Montana (66.3%)
2. Wyoming (66.2%)
3. Alaska (64.5%)
4. Idaho (60.1%)
5. West Virginia (58.5%)
6. Arkansas (57.2%)
7. Mississippi (55.8%)
8. Alabama (55.5%)
9. South Dakota (55.3%)
10. North Dakota (55.1%)
11. Oklahoma (54.7%)
12. Kentucky (54.6%)
13. Tennessee (51.6%)
14. Oregon (50.8%)
15. Vermont (50.5%)
16. South Carolina (49.4%)
17. Georgia (49.2%)
18. Missouri (48.8%)
19. Kansas (48.9%)
20. Utah (48.8%)
The states with the highest gun ownership rates are:

1. Montana (66.3%)
2. Wyoming (66.2%)
3. Alaska (64.5%)
4. Idaho (60.1%)
5. West Virginia (58.5%)
6. Arkansas (57.2%)
7. Mississippi (55.8%)
8. Alabama (55.5%)
9. South Dakota (55.3%)
10. North Dakota (55.1%)
11. Oklahoma (54.7%)
12. Kentucky (54.6%)
13. Tennessee (51.6%)
14. Oregon (50.8%)
15. Vermont (50.5%)
16. South Carolina (49.4%)
17. Georgia (49.2%)
18. Missouri (48.8%)
19. Kansas (48.9%)
20. Utah (48.8%)
When I bring me and the Mrs's guns to Wyoming, might just move Wyoming into #1, low population and all!
Texas be slippin off the list.
Per capita. I took all the NICS info a couple years ago to see which states had the most background checks. From inception to part of 2021, it goes:
1. Texas
2. Illinois
3. California
4. Kentucky
5. Pennsylvania
6. Florida
7. Indiana
8. Michigan
9. Georgia
10 (nearly tied). Ohio and North Carolina

Doesn't take into account ownership prior to NICS, or states that allow you to bypass NICS with a certain license.
a large portion of that list also matches up with the top 20 most rural living states. As almost every state is trending towards urban areas (with exceptions to a few like Maine and Oklahoma) I think it generally points to less and less support for the 2A and activities related to using firearms.

Not all gun owners are equal. Right now, not counting muzzle loaders, I own a grand total of two guns. I know a guy, that when I asked him how many guns he owned, he said he didn't know because it would be too much trouble to try and count them.
And what was the sample size of this study? Can't recall that I have ever been involved in a Pew Research study. Have any of you? I'd just simplify the number by saying three, safes that is:)

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