Greetings from Minnesota


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2020
Princeton, MN
Hello everyone. My name is Nathan, and I have lived in Minnesota all of my 37 years. I am a husband to a wonderful wife and father to 3 awesome kids (ages 3, 2, 6 months!). Professionally, I am a network administrator (IT) for a school.

I am mostly a whitetail hunter(archery and firearm), but the dream to head west is growing more urgent inside me as the years keep passing me by! I am hoping to plan a pronghorn hunt this year or next, and would love to hunt Mule Deer and Elk in the next 5 years. I have always wanted to do some of these hunts but thought it would be more of a retirement thing. Now as the gray hairs and achy joints become more regular, I am becoming more aware that time is not on my side and want to prioritize hunting more while I have still have decent physical health. Time to set some goals and timelines to make it happen!

I have browsed the Hunt Talk forums from time to time, and decided it was time to be an active participant. I look forward to learning from everyone here, and hope to contribute whatever knowledge I am able to share with others.

Here is a picture to put a face to the name (and also to show off my hunters in training).
Welcome fellow Minnesotan! I am from west central MN. Planning western hunts is fun. As an IT admin, I am sure you have some serious computer skills and that will help in your research. If you want some great tools, I use goHunt, OnX Hunt maps, and the state wildlife websites. From there, you can get a lonnnnnng way. Best of luck.
Had to...Vikings week is usually another Bye week for Da Bears!
Fair point. Also, Foles did win a super bowl! Bears defense has been brutal to the Vikes recently. That D-line is no joke.
Bear's fans are used to not having a QB. There was hope for Trubisky but that quickly dissipated. They have, and always will be a defensive team.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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