Yeti GOBOX Collection

Got A Bcat today


New member
Jan 10, 2001
Grand Lake Stream ME USA
Real nice 30# female Bobcat.Roxy and Lucy did a real good job of cold trailing jumping and realy put the presure on when he circled.I hit her one's going by and hardly had time to reload before they brought her by again.Maineiac and George wiss you where here. :D :D
Bobcat # 2 today :D :D Poul Laney came over and we wen't at it with Roxy and Sue his plott (one of the fastest hounds I have run a cat with)She and Roxy where shoulder to shoulder all the way.Only about 40yds behind the cat when poul shot him A 28# tom.George Next time someone from Idaho wants to sell a good old slow hound Let me know :D Thanks
Thank you tobey,my grandkids will be coming over and they love looking at all the pictures.
Its a great excuse for me so I can be on here LOL how can I turn down the kids :D
Sounds like you are haveing a grand ole time back there. Congrats on the cats and hurry with the pictures. I am enjoying this reading though.