GOP shoots down Testers Sportsman's package

Point of clarification, the $140M in "new spending" was entirely from the increase in Duck Stamp fees correct? Or is there a breakout of what that $140M in spending over the next 10 years is made of?

You are correct, the new spending comes in the form of duck stamp increases, which total $145 million. The other $5 million was going to help reduce the deficit.
You are correct, the new spending comes in the form of duck stamp increases, which total $145 million. The other $5 million was going to help reduce the deficit.

So how does the "Motion to Waive all Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Amdt. No. 2875" tie into this increase? Are the dems in effect saying, we should wave this because the revenue generated is directly from those most involved who supported the increase?

Also, when did this amendment come into play? Was it involved during the votes in September?
Politics is no longer a topic I can tolerate and stay sane. I avoid the local and national news as much as possible. There are too many sad stories like thius that are too complex to digest and make any sense about. I just try to live day by day and be happy in my own skin. All of these problems will catch up to all of us at some time and I don't have the power to prevent any of it. The tax collecting government people will never give up any control of what they control. We are to suffer from them .
So how does the "Motion to Waive all Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Amdt. No. 2875" tie into this increase? Are the dems in effect saying, we should wave this because the revenue generated is directly from those most involved who supported the increase?

Also, when did this amendment come into play? Was it involved during the votes in September?

Se3ssions raised the issue earlier in the day yesterday during debate. The motion was made by Tester in an attempt to get around the objection. Under current Senate rules, 1 Senator can stall everything under the unanimous consent rule (If all 100 vote yes, not debate, the bill passes). Sessions knew that his caucus would not break ranks to vote for a D, so Tester's only route was to try and siphon off a few votes from moderate R's who felt that this bill did not violate the Budget Control Act, and since it was a fee not a tax, they should move it forward. Only one Republican, Olympia Snowe, voted for the motion. All else voted against, or were absent.

This brings up the other rule that the Senate has instituted: The Fillibuster rule. It requires a vote of 60 senators to move any legislation forward. In a bitterly divided congress, reaching 60 votes is next to impossible, especially if the caucus' get their heels dug in.

Some D's did not vote because they have ties to the enviros who opposed the bill (like Boxer, who at least had the stones to vote no.) The vote ended up coming down as 50-34. Several from each party sat it out because they knew 1.) It couldn't get 60 without them, 2.) They didn't want the heat of voting on it.

As for the Tester/Thune Amendment, here's the NRA's action alert on it from June 15th, 2012:"Tester-Thune+amendment"&st=&ps=
Politics is no longer a topic I can tolerate and stay sane. I avoid the local and national news as much as possible. There are too many sad stories like thius that are too complex to digest and make any sense about. I just try to live day by day and be happy in my own skin. All of these problems will catch up to all of us at some time and I don't have the power to prevent any of it. The tax collecting government people will never give up any control of what they control. We are to suffer from them .

Then dude your part of the problem, not the solution. We can and will win if enough people get active. Trust me, you can have an impact.;)
Se3ssions raised the issue earlier in the day yesterday during debate. The motion was made by Tester in an attempt to get around the objection. Under current Senate rules, 1 Senator can stall everything under the unanimous consent rule (If all 100 vote yes, not debate, the bill passes). Sessions knew that his caucus would not break ranks to vote for a D, so Tester's only route was to try and siphon off a few votes from moderate R's who felt that this bill did not violate the Budget Control Act, and since it was a fee not a tax, they should move it forward. Only one Republican, Olympia Snowe, voted for the motion. All else voted against, or were absent.

This brings up the other rule that the Senate has instituted: The Fillibuster rule. It requires a vote of 60 senators to move any legislation forward. In a bitterly divided congress, reaching 60 votes is next to impossible, especially if the caucus' get their heels dug in.

Some D's did not vote because they have ties to the enviros who opposed the bill (like Boxer, who at least had the stones to vote no.) The vote ended up coming down as 50-34. Several from each party sat it out because they knew 1.) It couldn't get 60 without them, 2.) They didn't want the heat of voting on it.

As for the Tester/Thune Amendment, here's the NRA's action alert on it from June 15th, 2012:"Tester-Thune+amendment"&st=&ps=

And this is why politics is ridiculous. Nothing is cut and dry, everything is about gaining wealth and re-election.

It's disgusting at it's best, and mother f-ing scary at it's worst.
Hey Ben, I read your article for Outdoor Life (I think) a while back about the Sportsman's Heritage Act that passed the House and how you hoped some of it would change. Like opening some roadless areas to motorized vehicles and opening up some public lands to gas and oil drilling. Was that all eliminated with Testers Senate bill?
The question of whether or not there are violations is up in the air. Duck Stamps are traditionally looked upon as fees, not taxes. Fees do not fall under the budget deal worked out in 2011, and they are applied by both houses in COngress, unlike Tax3es which must originate in the House.

A little history on the bill: In June or May, Tester starts working on this, combining 20 bills that have wide support across the aisle. In August, Jeff Thune signs on as a co-sponsor and together Tester and Thune work to get this implemented as an amendment to the Farm Bill. It dies because Tester is up for re-election.

In October, Tester pushes this forward as a stand alone bill. Thune declines to sign on, and comes to MT to campaign against Tester. The last vote before Congress Adjourns pre-election is to move this bill forward for a floor vote. It passes by a 95-5 vote.

Now, suddenly, Sessions has heartburn. In no time before this, in the last 6 months, has anyone raised this issue and worked to address it either through committee action, discussions with Tester or with Leader Reid. Instead, there were a lot of proposed amendments that would have watered down the bill, reduced protections for public lands or stripped out the EPA prohibition on regulating lead in ammo, Tester stood firm on the bill he put together, and fought those amendments off.

No amendment that I was aware of was offered to deal with the budget rules throughout the 6 month history of this bill, or the years long history of the individual components.

Now we look at yesterday: Jeff Sessions, ranking GOP senator on the budget committee stands up to kill this bill on a procedural motion that he knows the NRA won't score. He's got a re-election coming up in 2014, and doesn't want to compromise his A+ rating, so he pulls partisan politics and kills the bill on the procedural vote.

It's politics, nothing more. Tester won by a convincing margin in MT, and this is retribution for that.

thanks for the background. and explanation.
Hey Ben, I read your article for Outdoor Life (I think) a while back about the Sportsman's Heritage Act that passed the House and how you hoped some of it would change. Like opening some roadless areas to motorized vehicles and opening up some public lands to gas and oil drilling. Was that all eliminated with Testers Senate bill?

Yes, this bill was much, much different than the Sportsman's Heritage Act of 2012 (A dubious name). It kept some of the components like the EPA lead ammo regulation ban and the increase in funding for shooting ranges but stripped out the anti-conservation measures such as the Antiquities Act betrayal and the provisions that would have harmed wilderness areas, etc.

Here's a run down of what Tester's bill included:
This was the final straw for me. I am changing my voter registration later today from republican to independent. Purely ridiculous. I sure hope they can find a way to get this passed, as a rider or stand alone.

Did the same last year, the tea party and their antics pushed me over the edge.
no, but do have some that live out west. think it's around the bitter roots.

That was going to be my next question. Maybe one of our County commissioners.

It's pronounced Bitterroots, the mountain range, and born and bred are called Bitterrooters. The rest are called Transplants.
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That was going to be my next question. Maybe one of our County commissioners.

It's pronounced Bitterroots, the mountain range, and born and bred are called Bitterrooters. The rest are called Transplants.

I pronounced it the way I intended. or should I say, spelled it the way I wanted to.

already made the call.
The stupid part is that $145 million isn't even equal to a rounding error in the Defense budget or Medicare Program.

The money isn't a tax because only those who volunteer to buy a duck stamp are paying it. Sessions must have a deal cooking on the back burner that he knows he doesn't need Tester's vote for.

Stupid is as stupid does.

The stupid part is that $145 million isn't even equal to a rounding error in the Defense budget or Medicare Program.

The money isn't a tax because only those who volunteer to buy a duck stamp are paying it. Sessions must have a deal cooking on the back burner that he knows he doesn't need Tester's vote for.

Stupid is as stupid does.


Maybe we should put the Duck Stamp into Obamacare? ;)
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