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Good Dogs Gone


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
I know there’s been numerous threads about our companions who have died and I’m not looking for any sympathy here, but I figured I post a couple pics of our dog; Ranger.
The family, and I left for Florida last Wednesday and early Thursday morning we received a call that Ranger died sometime over the night. He was 10 but it was unexpected. Coming home last night, after being gone for a week, was weird, as he know doubt would have been in the window with his tail wagging. Ole’ Ranger was a good dog for sure. He had a good life.
Post up your pics of the good dogs you’ve had.IMG_0074.pngIMG_4492.jpeg
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I know there’s been numerous threads about our companions who have died and I’m not looking for any sympathy here, but I figured I post a couple pics of our dog; Ranger.
The family, and I left for Florida last Wednesday and early Thursday morning we received a call that Ranger died sometime over the night. He was 10 but it was unexpected. Coming home last night, after being gone for a week, was weird, as he know doubt would have been in the window with his tail wagging. Ole’ Ranger was a good dog for sure. He had a good life.
Post up your pics of the good dogs you’ve had.
Super sorry for your loss. It's been 3 months almost since we lost Annabella and it sucks on a daily basis

As much as it broke my heart, it really left a gaping hole in my daughters when we had to say good bye
Thanks everyone! The loss of a dog is tough, but I’m well aware it’s part of life. Ranger was my 4th dog.
Below is “Coty”; he has been gone for 12 years. He and Ranger were damn great dogs.
I know many people say it, but Ranger was my last dog. My wife and I are dog people but we’re at a point in our life where we like to come and go as we please.
Keep the pics coming
Damn shame. Cliche but all dogs go to heaven.
Our family chocolate lab, Scout. I inherited her when I went to college. She was sweet to me and my now wife, but a real grade A bitch to any other dog, especially males. Hell of a hunter. My dad had multiple titles with her but she whipped the ass of every dog that he tried to breed her with. Eventually gave up on that. She was 10/10.
This was our Yorkie we adopted when he was maybe 6? Moved across the country with us a few times. Little man syndrome to the Nth degree, but if he loved you, he’d lick the boogers outta your nose back to your depths of your cranium. Had him retrieve a couple teal too, once upon a time. Made it to we think about 14 years old.
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I’m very sorry for your loss. Very little in life compares to a good dog. Hopefully you can reflect on all the happiness he brought you.

This was our family’s one dog. His name was Cruz. He passed away in September and it still difficult to think about. My two young kids still struggle with the fact he is gone.

This is our other dog Cooper. My wife and I got him when we first started dating. Unfortunately he was just recently diagnosed with lymphoma so his time is also numbered. It’s really tough to see a phase of life passing on. I’m really happy he’s still here but it’s rough knowing he will soon leave too. Both dogs are a huge part of our family.
They both were really good deer tracking recovery dogs when they were younger.
Sorry, it's a horrible thing to go through.

Aspen was an only "child" for 13 years, but when our little girl was born, Aspen was her biggest protector.


This was Aspen's last swim. I had to put her down not long after. It still breaks my heart.

Lost Angel in Oct of 2019, 6 weeks after Dad passed. It was a roughtime. This was her last duck hunt. Water was cold & she didn't want to retrieve. Didn't push her. We are at a stage in life where having another puppy would be a hardship with the traveling we have been doing. Miss the companionship & my solo adventures have been cut way back.

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