Golden Moose Awards 2010

You're still an inspiration to alot of people, Randy. Awards or not, you're doing something amazing. Don't be bummed about losing out to Tiffany....she IS alot better looking than
Hey, we tried and that counts for a lot. This should motivate us all to get fired up for the next round of Golden Moose awards and rally even more friends and family to vote for OYOA...2010 smells like the year OYOA steals the award show...:D
Is the show off the air for now? Was looking for it today and another show is in its time slot.
They are currently done showing OYOA for this spring. I also looked for it the other day and Randy said they finished there contract and are done airing. I guess I should have asked if they ever run them again.
When can we start voting for next year ? Wait till they see the caper i pull off this year..
Plan is already in the works. Tiffany who ?
What more do they want? More shock value...OK fine parachute into some public land with only a knife, loin cloth, and nikon binos, carve a bow, flint-nap and construct an arrow, using only your voice call in a 380 class bull and slay the beast all in front of the cameras. Then while gutting the trophy elk wrestle a grizzly that wants a taste and just before plunging your knife into its heart yell "OYOA DESERVES NOTHING LESS THAN A GOLDEN MOOSE!!!" Then when one of the camera guys asks, "Can you do that again, I'd like a shot from another angel?", quickly resuscitate the bear and just before slaying the bear the second time scream "OYOA DESERVES NOTHING LESS THAN A GOLDEN MOOSE!!!" Is this what they want?
I thought you had an entertaining show.
Hats off to you Randy and team! You guys did a great job and many of us look forward to the hunts coming in 2010!!!

Keep up the good work!
It was an incredible experience being at the award show. I'm pretty sure we were the only "regular Joe's" among the tables of nominees. Saw and sat by almost every outdoor TV personality you can imagine. While I thought for sure we might come away with at least one of the awards, the fact that OYOA was among the finalists is truly amazing. I know that doesn't make Fin feel any better but that is the truth. He was right in there with the top dogs. There were plenty of other "Popular" shows that didn't win awards as well.

Fin I hope that this doesn't get you discouraged but only drives you to do even more and better. I realize that the only way that the show can go on is with more sponsors. I hope that they took note and will step up to support this worthwhile message of public land hunting. Without them there just isn't enough money to continue to produce the high quality shows that the viewers demand. Here's to looking forward to 2010 with more and even better shows. Thanks again Fin.

BTW I think my wife is hotter than Tiffany:D
well, just more to look forward to next year. hopefully more viewers, more votes for the next show!
Good luck next year against Laura Francece on the Redfield Redzone........ ;) After hanging with her this week in the Leupold booth.... even Tiff has some stiff competition. Really cool girl, who is lots of fun.

I still be casting my vote for OYOA........ that is unless Laura asks real nice. Ha ha ha!
Case in point.............

PS. Go buy a Redfield Scope! :hump:


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I can't believe the industry is steering is this direction. I think it's great if they are truly avid hunters but after meeting some of them at the shows most of them are not. It's going to soon be if you don't have a bombshell on your show or representing your product then you aren't in the runnings. No one to blame but "Joe hormone raged public" for tuning in.
Bunch of sickos:D Ok I'm a little over sensitive after being in Vegas for a few days:) The wife kept slapping me every time I'd look up and see a bad billboard, they're everywhere. My necks sore from walking around looking at the ground:D
Well, I guess us old farts don't know much about such things, but the best two shows IMO were OYOA and Obsession Revealed. And neither one are being aired presently. I know contracts up on OYOA, but not sure about OR.
Anyway, T&A doesn't mean as much to me as it once did. Nowadays, it's more trouble than it's worth. Besides, if I'm interested, they're not, don't you know...

I actually agree with you in a bunch of ways.................... However, aparrently the endless lines of yahoos waiting to get hotties autographs at that show don't. In a lot of cases, said hotties, were not famous in any way. A couple of the vendors I know well, just go down to the local gentleman's clubs and recruit some eye candy for their booths. And sadly it works like a charm. I mean, who the heck wants an autograph from a stripper????

Now that's not to say I don't enjoy the appearence of the female form. But I'm more than ok with keeping my two favorite pastimes seperated. There are some exceptions out there though.... if a girl can hunt and honestly enjoys it.... I'll watch!

In the shotshow post i said that OYOA will get bigger but still be different. These last few posts have a lot to do with what I meant. OYOA may get more and more viewers, but the kind that view it will not be the likely to hang posters on their bedroom walls of Bigfin. OYOA is different in the way it lacks the TV star magnitude because it focuses on education, and realism. I really think the TV shows that won awards did well from the younger crowd affect on ratings and voting. Think about this, how many young kids and teens probably voted for viewers choice. Those kids are most likely not going to hunt the way Bigfin does for years to come and are attracted to the kind of shows that focus a lot on the "reality show" format. Nothing wrong with that either, they will just be different shows. The duck commanders is a good example, they won, but they are not just hunting, they are interesting people and the show focuses on that showing how much of these guys are real rednecks that kill chit and lived poor.
Now we haven't seen this years hunts yet, if Bugler is running around with his bow shirtless, flexing, and oiled up he may pull in some ratings from the female viewers (and AZ402) but i hope we don't see that:eek:
But having said that OYOA did as well as it did with the format it is says a lot!! keep up the good work guys.
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OK. Elkwhisper's idea is better than Randy in a loin cloth. Now Bugler oiled might have something there. Still people watch shows for different reasons: adventure, blood and guts, shock value, emotional drama, information, etc.
OK. Elkwhisper's idea is better than Randy in a loin cloth. Now Bugler oiled might have something there. Still people watch shows for different reasons: adventure, blood and guts, shock value, emotional drama, information, etc.

Interesting you mention blood and guts. I was listening to Nugent talking at one of the tactical displays and he mentioned his show and bitched how other shows go overboard washing down animals to remove all blood and how the Outdoor channel is real big on the no blood thing (nuge had some choice words on that).
That does suck, i agree with Ted that it is part of hunting and nothing should be hidden. I do not agree with making it gory for viewers but one place the network is missing (and OYOA) is the chance to show viewers what happens when an elk or deer is down miles from the truck. I think viewers would love to see the work being done on an episode.
Interesting you mention blood and guts. I was listening to Nugent talking at one of the tactical displays and he mentioned his show and bitched how other shows go overboard washing down animals to remove all blood and how the Outdoor channel is real big on the no blood thing (nuge had some choice words on that).
That does suck, i agree with Ted that it is part of hunting and nothing should be hidden. I do not agree with making it gory for viewers but one place the network is missing (and OYOA) is the chance to show viewers what happens when an elk or deer is down miles from the truck. I think viewers would love to see the work being done on an episode.

Probably would scare a bunch of would-be hunters off too... Not a bad idea either...
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