Going to be a lot of boating accidents!

Dave N

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
I see that the Supreme Court has declined to hear the fight over the illinois assault weapons ban. Bummer. Whoever finds that lake where all of the upcoming boating accidents happen could make a killing in recovery! ;) I think the last number I heard of people who had registered their guns was either 6,000 or 9,000. Not many. We've got until the end of the year to do so. I have to find an old boat...
We have been discussing the below article this evening. Most think the court doesnt want to take this on until all the open cases at the state level have been finished. Still disappointing. I ended up selling my AR. I didnt want to jeapordize my security clearance. Most of my buddies, even those in law enforcement are not going to register.

US Supreme Court declines to block Illinois assault rifle ban | Reuters
If this sticks it paves the way for other states to follow. Laugh at Illinois all you want, we deserve it, but we just might be a launching point for others in the future.
We have been discussing the below article this evening. Most think the court doesnt want to take this on until all the open cases at the state level have been finished. Still disappointing. I ended up selling my AR. I didnt want to jeapordize my security clearance. Most of my buddies, even those in law enforcement are not going to register.

US Supreme Court declines to block Illinois assault rifle ban | Reuters
Sold your AR?! Nooooooooooo!!! I just shed a tear for you dude.
Hopefully other states see how it's not going to be helping the gun violence issues in Illinois and realize it's not worth it...

Unfortunately it's just the tip of the iceberg. What Happens if you don't register them?
I have a friend that may or may not have quite a few items on the list. He has at least one Barrett 50cal. This law requires him to register his AMMO and makes it illegal to buy any more! Guess he has to be picky about what he wants to shoot!
Hopefully other states see how it's not going to be helping the gun violence issues in Illinois and realize it's not worth it...

Unfortunately it's just the tip of the iceberg. What Happens if you don't register them?
Misdemeanor for first offense. Felonies if you try to sell a baned weapon to an IL resident. Felony for selling rifle mags of more than 10 rounds or more than 15 for handguns.
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A lot of the county sheriffs have spoken out that they will not enforce the law. My local city chief said he is not going to enforce it. But i would think state police and CPOs will enforce it.
I see that the Supreme Court has declined to hear the fight over the illinois assault weapons ban. Bummer. Whoever finds that lake where all of the upcoming boating accidents happen could make a killing in recovery! ;) I think the last number I heard of people who had registered their guns was either 6,000 or 9,000. Not many. We've got until the end of the year to do so. I have to find an old boat...
Why would they ever NEED a registration list?

It's the hot thing to post pics of you with all yours saying, "Govment ain't ever gonna know I got 4! Merika! #howwouldtheyknow #postyourstoo #photosarentproofright?"
Why would they ever NEED a registration list?

It's the hot thing to post pics of you with all yours saying, "Govment ain't ever gonna know I got 4! Merika! #howwouldtheyknow #postyourstoo #photosarentproofright?"
I have no assault weapons that I want to register. No pictures necessary. My sheriff says he won't enforce the new law. Not sure how that will work but it sounds good.
Also, why AR-15s should be readily available to the citizens as prescribed in the constitution.
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I have no assault weapons that I want to register. No pictures necessary. My sheriff says he won't enforce the new law. Not sure how that will work but it sounds good.
For reference, in CO we have a "15 round magazine" limit.....All of the County Sheriffs outside of the Denver/Boulder toilet openly announced on the passing of the "law" they refused to enforce it. To this day you can go into about any gun store that is not a national chain and buy whatever size "magazine repair kit" you want. I had drinks with a very experienced Deputy DA here in the Springs tonight and he confirmed that had not filed a single charge based on that "law". Discretion in enforcement is the purview of every police officer and prosecutor.
For reference, in CO we have a "15 round magazine" limit.....All of the County Sheriffs outside of the Denver/Boulder toilet openly announced on the passing of the "law" they refused to enforce it. To this day you can go into about any gun store that is not a national chain and buy whatever size "magazine repair kit" you want. I had drinks with a very experienced Deputy DA here in the Springs tonight and he confirmed that had not filed a single charge based on that "law". Discretion in enforcement is the purview of every police officer and prosecutor.

Sounds good unless your find yourself at odds with someone that has a badge and is willing to use to law against you to settle a grudge.
Supreme Court declined to implement a stay without a lower court decision. That is not the same as declining to hear the case. This is due process. So until then, I’m going to need a much bigger safe to buy up all my friends‘ junk, since I grew up in that state (But now reside elsewhere).

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