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Gear for 5 day hunt


Active member
Oct 30, 2017
Deep in the Heart of Texas
gear list.JPGgear wear list.JPG

50 days out till Our first western hunt (Central Idaho) and I've got the gear list almost complete. I'm going with a buddy and he is going to pack a spotting scope, and I'm packing the tent. Anything missing for this hunt? 5 days in the mountains during mid-October.
Looks good, I might add sunglasses and a contractor bag which you can slit down the middle and use as a tarp to lay your meat on.

Is MT House Food actually Mt House/ Food because otherwise that's a ton of Mt. House meals lol... Have a great trip!
He could upgrade his pack and bag, just take one tripod for both guys, and pair down the food and save 10lbs... but honestly I think a 50lb bag for Oct on a five day hunt, is pretty solid work.
Is the pack alone really 9+ lbs? Looks about 20 lbs heavy for just 5 days.

Are you only eating house, or are there snacks and such built into your weight?

TP? Trekking poles? A spoon? Maybe those are built in elsewhere. Doesn't look like you are missing much.
Man, nothing but Mtn. House for 5 days? I wouldn't need to bring any TP either!

I'd add in a roll of Leukotape (available on Amazon). Great for taping up hot spots on your feet, fixing your tent or pants etc.

How about a puffy layer? I'm a fan of letting the sweat get off me once I hit my glassing point, then throwing on a puffy under my rain gear. Keeps the wind out, and the body heat in.
Looks like a good packing list. The only things you could lighten would be pretty expensive (carbon fiber tripod, rifle, pack).
You should listen to the latest meateater podcast. 2 hours of talking what gear to pack!
Matches and a lighter? Backup fire starter of some kind? Maybe I missed those on your list. I like to have one really warm layer in reserve. For me that's a high fill count down jacket packed in a waterproof compression bag. Throw it in the bottom of the pack and forget about until you need it.
No kidding. I’ve been hiking a few miles a couple times a week and have gradually increased weight and just a couple pounds added is easily felt in my shoulders and legs.
Looks good, I might add sunglasses and a contractor bag which you can slit down the middle and use as a tarp to lay your meat on.

Is MT House Food actually Mt House/ Food because otherwise that's a ton of Mt. House meals lol... Have a great trip!

That includes all food and it’s just an estimate right now. It’s probably less than 10 lbs but didn’t want to under estimate.
Matches and a lighter? Backup fire starter of some kind? Maybe I missed those on your list. I like to have one really warm layer in reserve. For me that's a high fill count down jacket packed in a waterproof compression bag. Throw it in the bottom of the pack and forget about until you need it.

All that necessary stuff is included with the first aid kit but maybe I should break it down by item just so I don’t forget anything. I like the idea of the backup jacket. Could be useful if it gets real cold.
Man, nothing but Mtn. House for 5 days? I wouldn't need to bring any TP either!

I'd add in a roll of Leukotape (available on Amazon). Great for taping up hot spots on your feet, fixing your tent or pants etc.

How about a puffy layer? I'm a fan of letting the sweat get off me once I hit my glassing point, then throwing on a puffy under my rain gear. Keeps the wind out, and the body heat in.

Haha yeah that much freeze dried food would be trouble. I’ve done MREs for a couple weeks straight and that wasn’t pretty. I do have a puffy vest in my bag.

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