Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

FYI for recreation.gov users


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2016
It looks like a class action lawsuit has been filed against recreation.gov. I use the site frequently, pretty much every time I go fishing in the summer I need to reserve a day use motor permit that costs me $6. If I cancel the permit I don’t get my $6 back, maybe this would change that?
I have reservations throughout the year and my most recent has an $8 Reservation fee and $135 Cabin Use Fee (the actual rental fee for 4 nights). So far nothing I've been involved with has too many extra fees.

Junk fees are becoming a major problem. They're basically a bait-and-switch tactic that should be illegal. Especially lottery fees where a simple computer can tackle all of that. I full on expect New Mexico to add this to the list of fees for elk tags
I use the site multiple times per year and never had a problem. There's a few trips I do every year where if I don't reserve a site 6 months in advance, there's no availability. I've never even bothered to look at what fees they charge and I've never thought what I've paid has been too high.
I'll be keeping an eye on this as well. We use it because there is no other choice if we want to make a res. on forest service campgrounds.