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From Disappointment to a Double


Mar 29, 2014
2018 Archery Elk Hunt

My brother in law and I planned a week long archery elk hunt for late September last year. It started out rough- I had sick kiddos and couldn’t make it until Thursday, we had to bail on our #1 and #2 plans because of a snowstorm. So we picked a spot that we figured had some elk and also we had access to a cabin if the weather got ugly. I finally met up with my bil on Thursday and we drove to where we had picked. The first problem we ran into was parking- there were a lot of hunters. We found a spot we thought was away from everyone, loaded the packs and headed out.

That evening was fun. We bugled with some bulls and saw some elk. We set camp up and fell asleep to the sound of bugles. The next morning we had some good elk action but also saw more people than we had hoped to. About 10am we had a bull coming in at 80yds and another hunter “snuck” in upwind and blew the elk out. We were frustrated and loaded up and went back to the truck. We looked at the maps and decided to head for the nasty downfall section of the mountain.

That afternoon we took our time getting to the downfall portion. About 3:45 we were high stepping over trees and I let out a cow call. Instantly an elk bugled. I turned to get back and do some calling but my bil whisper yelled “I can see him!” We set up quickly. We both came to full draw and the bull stopped at 35yds. Neither of us had a shot. After close to a minute the bull turned slightly and I had a shot. I looked at my bil and he still didn’t have a clear shot so I shot. It looked like a solid hit! We high fived and hugged and recounted what had just happened. While we were doing that another bull bugled.

We decided to go after that bull as well. After about 200yds of trying to sneak forward I set up to call. The cows were mewing and a bull was bugling but we could tell they were getting further away. I bugled and a different elk responded really close. My bil didn’t have a shot through the thick timber. That bull walked off but as I called he came back. Still no shot was possible. The bull wandered off again and I thought the gig was up. My bil started crawling over deadfall trying to get a little higher and motioned for me to call again. I half heartedly cow called then bugled then raked thinking it was pointless but that bull came back a 3rd time! He stopped in the one window my bil had to shoot through and turned broadside. He made a great shot and we could hear the bull crash.

We went back and started trailing my bull. Great blood for about 100 yds then a bed where the bull laid down. After that blood was scarce. It started getting dark so we dropped our gear near last blood and went to quarter and hang my bil’s bull. We made camp in the dark and I laid down for a sleepless night.

We found my bull the next morning within 30 mins of looking only about 50yds from where we had quit. Thankfully there was no meat spoiled. We spent the rest of the day packing meat 2 miles uphill to the truck. It turned out to be one of the most memorable hunts I’ve ever had. EFCD7F5B-D25F-43EC-B248-989FF4FB346B.jpeg
Brother in laws bull
My bull
Full truck
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Great hunt built on multiple options and first and foremost, determination. Congratulations on a memorable hunt. On two occasions I've been part of a double but both were morning & evening successes, not two back-to-back. Those are special days that build memories and strengthen friendships! Thanks for sharing your story...
Heck yeah! Great story and congrats on the hunt. Thanks for sharing it, I felt like I was right there with you.
A day that will seared in the memory forever. A special memory shared with family makes it even sweeter. Congratulations to both of you
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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