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Friend bailed on our upcoming New Mexico mule deer trip


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Apr 18, 2018
I was supposed to be hunting Mule Deer for my first time and first western hunt this November but my friend bailed, leaving me high and dry.

I'm looking into outfitters as I am not really keen on my first western hunt being a solo hunt traveling all the way from Wisconsin. However, I thought I'd throw it out into the universe to see if any folks out there are in need of a hunting partner for the same hunt. I have a tag for Deer (Mule or Coues) in Unit 21 for the second rifle season (November 10-14).

Ever since I moved to Wisconsin from Pennsylvania about 14 years ago, I stopped deer hunting but after listening and watching Randy, The MeatEater crew, etc., I've been inspired to get into western backcountry hunting. I'm a BHA member as well.

In preparation for the hunt, I've been practicing my shooting (out to 500 meters most recently) and completely geared up for diy backpack hunting (new stone glacier pack, seek outside tipi, sleep system, new rifle and scope, hunting clothes, everything...). I've also been spending hours and dollars e-scouting and researching areas in our unit so needless to say, I'm more than a little disappointed that my friend bailed on the trip. My brother would love to join me but he can't afford it and is even further away still being in Pennsylvania.

As I mentioned, I'm looking into outfitters as well so if you have recommendations for one, I'd like to hear them. I know it's tough to just think maybe you'll get along with some random dude on the internet so it seems like that'd be a good option to complete this hunt instead of just abdonding my hopes and eating my tag.

Thanks for any suggestions and if you are looking for another member of your hunting party by some chance, I'd be interested in talking to you about it.

- Justin
Not headed to NM this year but I agree with LCH don't be afraid to go solo, two of my best trips happened when buddies bailed and I just went on my own.
I've solo hunted many times in 21. It's a very nice unit, especially for deer, and a great experience. My $0.02: save your money and enjoy the solitude. With a rifle, you should have no problem filling your tag in 5 days.
+4. I know the trepidation of going solo for the first time but once you get past that, its a really enjoyable experience. I like the solitude and satisfaction of pulling of a good hunt by myself. Sounds like you have invested in top end gear and have done all the preparation. If you have the vacation time go a week early so you can settle in and scout. Use this experience to see what works, what doesn't and what you wish you had brought then use the money you would have spent on an outfitter to tweak your set up.
Don't forget to text your friend a pic of the bomber Mule Deer you will take! :hump:
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Go. Enjoy it. Good luck! I wouldn't think twice e about going solo if I had to. Especially since it sounds like you have the setup already.
Would you feel better with an outfitter who was not fully booked by now? Kinda like taking a girl home at closing time after a few cocktails....

I have an InReach already (bought for this trip mainly). Yeah, I think I need to follow everyone's advice and just do it myself. I'm going to talk to an outfitter just to see what they say but I'm having a little trouble justifying a few thousand dollars, minimum.
Solo is the way to go. Mule deer hunting isn’t rocket surgery and in my opinion doesn’t require a ton of logistical support which an outfitter could provide. Additionally , as far south as you will be , weather shouldn’t be a huge concern. If you have the equipment which it appears you do, I would give it a go on my own. Good luck whatever you decide.
I have a friend that I finally came to exclude from my long distance hunts. We would plan backcountry wilderness hunts and he would be all on board, but when we got there he'd always want to change the plans and do the hotel hunting. I don't like hotels except for after the hunt to get cleaned up for the trip home. Several times he did this to me but I won't even make hunting plans with him anymore. I have a couple of other friends who are like minded and don't mind hiking in and sleeping on the ground. Sometimes they can't go but I won't let that stop me, I'll go alone if I have to. It's all good.
I've gone solo in NM on several occasions. Always had a good time. I'm not far from unit 21, its nice country up there.
Go solo. You will enjoy the adventure even if you don’t harvest an animal. Plus, you will learn a lot about yourself and your equipment.

I have experienced the armchair hunters who back out at the last minute - just to find out they were deeper in credit card debt than the State of California; underwater on a new loaded pickup truck that they don’t need and that is depreciating by the minute, scared to death of their wives or ex-wives, and of the opinion that they couldn’t miss one week of kissing their boss’s ass so they can attempt to get a pittance of a quarterly bonus to stay afloat.

But they can talk a hell of a hunt on a barstool. Who needs ‘em? What a sad life!

Just get out West and hunt. You won’t regret it.

The GrayRider.
Same Boat

Man this sounds so familiar. I haven't deer hunted in probably 20 years. Although I have hunted upland birds the last 10 years. After watching Randy, and Rinella I have decided to start doing some western spot an stalk hunting. I am backpack hunting unit 30 for mule deer by myself this year Nov 11-15. My wife is about to kill me if I get one more piece of gear in the mail. I have had to start all over, buying a tent, pack, optics, a lightweight rifle, and enough merino to choke a horse. I would like to find someone else interested in western spot and stalk hunting, but everyone I meet in Texas just wants to shoot deer over a corn feeder. If your flying out there, let me know how you are getting the meat back. I would like to try Idaho some time soon, but I'm not sure about the logistics of getting the meat home.
Just go alone. Have a good trip and if you kill something rub it in to your friend who bailed on you. Then he'll want to go next time and you'll tell him that the cost to going with you will be that he has to pay all the travel expenses for the benefit of the experience and knowledge you gain on this trip
Man this sounds so familiar. I haven't deer hunted in probably 20 years. Although I have hunted upland birds the last 10 years. After watching Randy, and Rinella I have decided to start doing some western spot an stalk hunting. I am backpack hunting unit 30 for mule deer by myself this year Nov 11-15. My wife is about to kill me if I get one more piece of gear in the mail. I have had to start all over, buying a tent, pack, optics, a lightweight rifle, and enough merino to choke a horse. I would like to find someone else interested in western spot and stalk hunting, but everyone I meet in Texas just wants to shoot deer over a corn feeder. If your flying out there, let me know how you are getting the meat back. I would like to try Idaho some time soon, but I'm not sure about the logistics of getting the meat home.

What part of Texas?
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