Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Fresh Tracks Merchandise

Thanks for thinking of us. We have turned off all ads related to merchandise, so as to not seem like greedy SOBs at this time.

I wonder what do you folks think of this idea posed by RJ, the guy in our crew in charge of such. It is based on how we can help the small businesses that are our partners. The T-shirt outfit is a small company in South Dakota who has to be suffering in all of this. Folks are just not ordering the number of shirt they likely would in more certain financial times.

RJ suggested that for some period of time, whatever that might be, we drop the prices on our merchandise to where we make nothing on it, but the guys at the T-shirt company get to sell more shirts and keep their normal margins.

Gimmicky? Foolish? Worthwhile?
Randy, while that a admirable thought from RJ, you are still running a business. You need to cover your employees first and then work on helping your suppliers. Your supplier will sell a whole lot less if Mrs Newberg pulls the plug from you being in the negative all the time.
I don't see any problems with companies advertising or selling product as long as they are not trying to take advantage of the current situation. People need to make a living and businesses need to sell products and keep employees working and getting paid. Now if someone is complaining their $100M yacht is delayed 2 weeks due to the virus, then that is a different a-hole.
Just placed order number 1395 for a T-shirt. No need for a discount because Lord knows that Raptor won’t pay for itself and them camera guys can hunt to eat, but I’ve never found beer in the woods. Y’all be safe and take care. We are living in interesting times.
Don't know if they are still out there, but my HuntToEat Hunt Talk hoodie is far and away the best I have owned. I basically wear it 12 months of the year, though I would make a poor sweatshirt model.

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