Freezer Insurance


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2018
I imagine I'm not the only one who has lost a freezer or two...or three full of meat for one reason or another. As someone who caches a years worth of venison and fish at a time, carefully vaccum sealed and catalogued, I've been less upset over long-term relationships ending than when I have found blood dripping on the garage floor.

Having tried all manners of precaution (including other sensors and banishment of a certain wife from opening the freezer), I think I've finally found a system that gives me total peace of mind. While I can't seem to control a freezer failure, or human failure, now I'll get an email and text message alerting me to a problem. I'm 3 months in using this, and so far it's great.

I have some basic alarms as well and feel dramatically better having them. I agree, losing a freezer worth of wild game would be a bad deal. Everyone should have something like that.