Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Fly in frank church wilderness elk/deer hunt


May 28, 2017
So, I posted once and realised its better to introduce myself before I start asking questions. That was my fault and I didn't know. I'm brand new to the forum, and have read many post on here in the past. I'm a Oregon grown boy that has travelled a pretty good amount in my 28 years. Hunted elk and deer since it was legal and harvested a few with dad before I was of age. During high school I realized road hunting and hiking a mile from the pickup was not what I called hunting, and naturally felt bad for the prey I chased. That's when my passion for backpacking and backcountry hunting was born. I started out like most. Thinking cheap gear and flask of cheap bourbon was all I needed. Like most I thought I was bulletproof. After many nights freezing cold and covered in ants I soon realized that this was for men that are prepared. I did my research and accumulated the gear I needed. After a few years of hiking, self installed stitches, bug bites, and critiquing my gear list I finally started to focus on elk. I started backpack hunting at 17 and didn't harvest my first bull backpack hunting until I was 21. The rest is history and at 23 started branching out to other states. I feel each year I'm a experienced backcountry hunter, but learn something new every trip and consistently adjust my gear. I've successfully harvested many critters now and will never turn back to hunting near a road. It's like my dad said about swinging flies, and skaters for steelhead "once you get that first pull, it's like a hit of crack cocaine". Then I was introduced to IDAHO!

So, after my lengthy introduction and my hello to my fellow elk addicts I will get to my dilemma. I've hunted idaho for years. It has had its ups and downs, but I always return. My next big adventure was going to be the Frank. I've read about it since I was little and have always wanted to see it. I've made my mind up to hunt a different zone, but something keeps pulling me back to research and ask questions about the Frank.. I don't know why but I can't leave it alone. I'm really looking to do a fly in and backpack from the strip. I have one buddy that is as hardcore as me if not more that is coming. I really like the looks of Mahoney bar, and loon area, but am asking you fellow scholars for advise. I called multiple biologists in the area and surrounding areas. Everyone told me something different that contradicted the one before, so I refuse to believe each one is right. I think they have a generic answers they shuffle threw. Then hand them to me and you. I'm not asking for honey holes since I would never give mine away, but more of a "am I looking in the right area"?. Any recommendations and advise on the area, elk, deer, and different strips would be greatly appreciated. I've done my research and now I'm outsourcing for information. I've talked to McCall air and have a solid game plan. Anybody wanting info on northeast Oregon I would be more then willing to share my insight. We plan to spend two weeks with a rifle at the beginning of October.

Well there you have it men. That's my story and my goal. My passion is wild backcountry elk, and I wouldn't have any other way.
I forgot to mention as well that if anyone is interested in joining us I have no problem chatting and seeing if the shoe fits. More eyes and packers there are the better.
I've never hunted there, but have worked in that area...a couple things you may want to consider.

First off, if you land on Mahoney and want to hunt loon, you'll have to cross the middlefork. If it were me I would fly into Thomas creek, cross the bridge over the middle fork there, then hike to loon. That's how I did it when I worked that country.

I would look at flying out of Challis with middle fork may be cheaper than flying out of McCall. I've flown into the Frank with middle fork aviation a half dozen times...their safety record is good. McCall air is also very good, but I've never personally flown with them.

I never saw any elk and very few deer in loon and little loon. I did see a heard of 6-7 bulls close to the headwaters of loon from the air while flying into Thomas creek. None of the bulls looked like anything special.

Also, if you're going to hunt little loon...I would ask about the trail before you go. When I was there, the trail was washed out and you had to hike up the creek from about a mile up clear to the confluence of the West Fork. From there, the trail essentially didn't exist. It was there, but it was brushed in and easy to lose. Not sure about main loon creek though. Either way, I would talk with the FS recreation/trail crew supervisor before I planned on using any of those trails in there. Ask detailed questions about the last time they were personally on the trails you want to know about, last time they were maintained, etc...or if the trails even exist anymore.

A few pictures:

Mahoney airstrip from little loon:


The day I took this picture, a plane actually semi-crashed on the strip (private plane). The pilot drug the prop on airstrip when he landed...banged up the airplane pretty good and broke his wrist.

Little loon looking back toward loon creek:


Looking from little loon, across the middle fork at Norton and Mahoney:


West fork little loon:


Have fun in there, be sure to eat your Wheaties as that country is no joke. Personally, I wouldn't hunt elk there, I just don't hate elk enough to kill one in that country.
Thank you for the post. Lots of great info there. We were considering any and all airstrips those were just the two I thought on the most. I plan to bring a raft no matter where we end Incase we need to cross the river. Will just stash it in the brush somewhere near the strip.

It really is discouraging to hear about the elk, but it is what it is and I believe if we hunt hard enough we can find them. Each of us have great spotting scope which is where I'd assume we will spend alot of time.

The country is no joke I agree! I think some Adderall and big Wheaties is the way to go. I normally pack 2000-2500 calories a day and shoot a grouse or two along the way.

Ha! I don't hate elk. I just believe in chasing them at the puriest form. It may be a miserable trip, and I may never do again, but I won't have to wonder and be what if anymore.
McCall air also quoted me $500 to fly me in and out. 150lb gear per person and includes flying game out+plus to hang meat if needed. Just a FYI to anybody. I will check out the challis port though.
Sounds like a great deal and awesome adventure.None of those pictures look like great elk habitat to me,but I'm no expert.I'd want to be hunting where I could glass a few wooded drainages.I would love to hear how you do.Anyway to get a helicopter ride into better habitat.Or if your close enough why not take a flight over it and do some ariel scouting
In early August we plan to drive 3 over for 5 days and scout. One day is reserved to do a preflight and look the areas over and see what kind of critters are running around. I tried looking into choppers, but can find zero evidence that you're even legally allowed to take one in? I would be really curious to know if anyone has a answer on that one.
To the best of my knowledge, the area you mentioned is not known for elk. There will probably be a few elk in there but not very many. You are in for a great trip though. That is hands down one of my favorite places to hunt.
I've hunted the area you're talking about for sheep, deer and elk. Plan on a good deer hunt and hope to bump into an elk. Any of the airstrips will offer a similar hunt for deer - stop overthinking it. If you want to fly in and backpack hunt, I can give you some suggestions by PM. Finally, my experience with deer has been they hide until the last week of October. On on sheep hunt, the first week we saw around 10 deer for the week. The next week we were seeing 40+ deer a day. I've seen this pattern several times.
Got to admit a chopper ride in on top of the ridge would be pretty cool. Thanks for the post gents. I have received some good info and strive for more. And yet again if anyone wants info on NE Oregon I can help tremendously.
Buzz,I'm a little confused.If you can take and airplane in there why not helicopter??
Buzz,I'm a little confused.If you can take and airplane in there why not helicopter??
I think its because the planes can only land on designated airstrips. It's the same way with choppers in the minum part of Oregon. I was really hoping they might be different though.
Could the copter not land on a designated strip?

I don't believe so...but could be wrong.

Would be wayyy more expensive than fixed wing, even if it is legal.


(d) The following special provisions are hereby made:

(1) Within wilderness areas designated by this Act the use of aircraft or motorboats, where these uses have already become established, may be permitted to continue subject to such restrictions as the Secretary of Agriculture deems desirable. In addition, such measures may be taken as may be necessary in the control of fire, insects, and diseases, subject to such conditions as the Secretary deems desirable.
Buzz is right helicopters can't land in a designated wilderness sans an exemption for something like search and rescue, fire, etc. This got IDFG in a pickle with a collaring study in the Frank when they violated the terms of the exemption.

You can fly over it all you want, you just can't land.
Buzz is right helicopters can't land in a designated wilderness sans an exemption for something like search and rescue, fire, etc. This got IDFG in a pickle with a collaring study in the Frank when they violated the terms of the exemption.

You can fly over it all you want, you just can't land.

I read about that. What a s@$t show that was.
I've found some sweet spots and narrowed things down a bit. Received lots of good info. Thank you elk addicts. Was made aware alot of things I would have never thought of.

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