Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

First Pix



Ok Boomer,
Ya beat me to the punch with the first post, and to MD4me's grab bag, but that's only cause you practically live here.
But, I'm gonna post the first pix!!

I killed these bad boys thirty seconds apart one morning, down in a pecan bottom next to a small river. The previous afternoon, I drove into the flock right at one of my wells. They were within 25 feet of me, strutting, and I was able to stop and kill the engine before they spooked, so I watched them and waited for them to move off, which took about an hour and a half. I had a hunch where they would be the next morning, so I double checked with the land owner to make sure I still had permission to hunt, and left.

Next morning I slipped into the bottom before light and set up behind a huge pecan tree, about 100 yards back from the river. I had no idea where the birds were roosted, or even if they were there for sure, but picked an area that was kinda in the middle. If I guessed wrong, I was stuck as there was NO cover at all to relocate. At first light I let out a tree yelp and was answered back with TWO thunderous gobbles, right in front of me, down at the river. Big Grin! I knew they had hens and would be no guarantees that they would come to me. I felt like my only chance was to be aggressive and get the first birds off the roost to come to me, whether they be hens or toms.

Knowing this, I decided to hammer them with some yelping and cutting just as soon as it got light enough to see to shoot well. It worked. No sooner had I finished my last note when I heard wings flapping my way. WHOOSH! WHOOSH WHOOSH! A hen landed right in front of me. Uh oh, hope she doesn't see me. Whoosh,Whoosh,Whoosh! All the rest of the turkeys were coming down now. They landed farther out. Good. Now all I had to do was keep the hen in my lap from bustin me. I saw the two toms looking my way but couldn't move to shoot. Just then the hen in front of me decides to walk right by me and is now right behind me! She must have been the lead hen because all of the birds are following her and coming towards me. At twenty yards out, both toms are within arms reach of each other and they look like twins. Still not knowing where the hen behind me is, I pick the bird on the left and in one quick motion bring my gun up, safety off and fire. Before the shot even echos I am aggressively yelping with my mouth call. Kiss my foot, if the other tom doesn't stop and look at his buddy laying on the ground. Big mistake. BOOM! Tom number two down.
One tom had a 10" beard, the other was 10 1/2" and they both had 1" spurs. Here they are.

Me live here?!?!? hehehe I gots ta have sumthin ta do at work!

Don't ya just love it when a plan comes together! That is two very nice birds. That story reminds me of my biggest turkey. I will try to find a picture and post it later with the story.
Nice Shadow!
I might have to come see your wells this spring!!!!!
spring is just too far away, great story SR sounds like alot of fun and some very nice birds ya got there!

"in the Spring we Strut and in the Fall we Rut"

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