First Black Bear! Montana, September, public land archery hunt


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2018

Elk hunting in western Montana, in a spot where we see Black Bear sign every year (not a typically grizzy spot). I first saw this bear while hiking around, caught sight of him feeding up a hill at a pretty good clip, maybe 50 or 60 yards away. He was traveling right along the edge of some impenetrable deadfall (bear not in the photo below). We had been in Elk every day, and I still had a number of days to hunt, so chasing him was not a huge priority for me. Bonus Great Gray Owl sighting.


The next day I had an awesome bugle-battle that ended with me getting winded by a really nice bull at 15 yards (too thick for a shot - sigh). Later that evening I sat at the same spot after the same bull. I heard some noises off to my side, and sure enough at about 50 yards, here is this bear again. He winded me pretty quickly and took off.

Later in the week, my buddy and I were stalking some Elk, decided to set up and call. I was shooter, he was behind cow calling. Some movement catches my eye, and I see a sapling pine tree just getting thrashed, about 50yds down the hill. Obviously not the wind's doing. I immediately get all jacked up assuming it's a bull. I start my stalk, perfect wind. I get within range of the tree, arrow nocked, heart pumping, haven't made any bull. Wtf? It had to be right around here somewhere; I am scanning every inch of what I can see, expecting to see an Elk.

Well eventually, in a thick juniper patch, I catch sight of this damn Black Bear again! Feeding on a log only 18 yards away. The veg was thick, but I was able to get a good look at him. Beautiful chocolate bear, good size. I decide I am going to kill him. I had a few small windows in the thicket he was feeding in, and again, he was only 18yds away. I drew and let down my bow four different times with almost-shots. The windows were just too small in size for how much he was moving around while feeding, too much risk to catch his shoulder, etc. Also worth noting is that several times during this standoff (probably 10 minutes), he caught my movement and stared at me. I was head-to-toe decked out in Sitka subalpine, and he just stared right through me, even cocking his head similar to a dog a couple of times, trying to see something. I know some folks aren't super keen on the importance of camo, but I believe in it during September bowhunting, and this was another example as to why.

Anyways, he eventually started feeding up the hill. It was too thick for a shot along his path, until an opening up the way that I ranged at 35 yards. I had my Elk reed in my mouth and drew my bow. As soon as he hit the opening, I cow called. He stopped and looked back, perfectly broadside. Arrow flew true, double-lung. He took three steps and tumbled, rolling ten yards down the hill, dead where he landed.


After I walked up to him and confirmed he was dead, I went to get my buddy (long time best friend), and he was gone. After doing some walking and cow calling, we eventually linked up. Some Elk had walked by him while I was stalking the bear, and he made chase, but was unable to seal the deal. He was beyond stoked when I told him I killed the bear. We got to field dressing, and had him on our backs in less than an hour. Neither of us had ever field dressed a Black Bear before, but the skinning was surprisingly easy. This bear was exceptionally healthy; hide in pristine condition, wonderful pink-tinged layer of fat, great teeth and claws. Holy hera was it a heavy pack, though! Skull with watch for reference. Hide is with a local taxidermist.


Being my first bear, I was intimidated to properly prepare the meat, and by the worry of cutting steaks and burgers that I might not really care for, so I found an awesome local butcher to do smoked and cured meats for me. I've killed Elk, Whitetail, and Mule Deer, and I have loved them all. I know this sounds crazy, but this Black Bear meat is the best wild game I have ever had. I have breakfast sausage, chorizo, smoked Italian sausage, and cured bbq meat sticks. It is absolutely unbelievable. I have given it to a number people who have and have not had Black Bear before, and they are all blown away. I think a lot of it has to do with how healthy this bear is, but it has me convinced to shoot more bears. The smoked Italian sausage makes an outstanding pizza topping.


It's a hunt I'll never forget! For those interested in archery details: Bowtech Carbon Icon (2015), Easton Axis 5mm arrows, Iron Will v125 broadheads, Nock2It thumb release.

Thanks for reading!
Dang that pizza looks good! Congrats on the bear.

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