Fin on the Avery Adventure Podcast

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Some of you might follow the Avery Adventures podcast with Ryan and Tanya Avery. They are the co-owners of I see many of the same folks on our forum as on the Rokslide forum. Ryan and Tanya were in Bozeman last month and asked if I would sit down for a podcast with them.

It was fun. They pried a few tidbits out of me that I had not told to others on our podcast, mostly my allergy to deer/elk/antelope dander/blood. Some of our guest hunters have seen that and thought I was about to plant my bones on Boot Hill.

Link here -
You are not alone. I have had my eyes almost swollen shut from deer dander. Benadryl is my friend.

I hear you, except for me it's bobcats. They cause a histamine explosion for me.

I always keep a few chewable Benadryl tablets handy because they are absorbed so quickly. Follow up with a regular capsule.

Word to the wise, DON'T try to use a gel caplet as a chewable. I did that once when I was having a pretty severe reaction and my tongue went numb for about 12 hours.
Some of you might follow the Avery Adventures podcast with Ryan and Tanya Avery. They are the co-owners of I see many of the same folks on our forum as on the Rokslide forum. Ryan and Tanya were in Bozeman last month and asked if I would sit down for a podcast with them.

It was fun. They pried a few tidbits out of me that I had not told to others on our podcast, mostly my allergy to deer/elk/antelope dander/blood. Some of our guest hunters have seen that and thought I was about to plant my bones on Boot Hill.

Link here - father has the same all but kept him from big game hunting after a solo trip that he nearly didn't return from. Also had a miserable time at a petting zoo on a family vacation once. (apparently exotic deer trigger it also!) He still helped me drag out my first deer, but the field dressing was all on my own! Sounds like you have a system and have it under control...but be careful none the less!
Randy, sorry to dig up an old thread but I'm curious if you can eat deer/elk/antelope meat if you are allergic to their blood?

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