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Fatassed ATVers dont get a break...

Buzz, I have seen your photos and you need to be very careful taking the tools to someone elses property. You ever been shot before? Lots of men sneaking around the woods have and it might be very uncomfortable for you and Jose' to get busted in the act. I am just worried about you guys who throw that particular solution out there all the time. There are men that will leave you lay for that act. Better to get to a cell or land line and report abusers who are breaking the law. Stay safe.
Ringer that's darn good advice. Firearms and dispute are a bad mix. I'm sure Buzz and Jose would agree.
I think it would be best if ILLEGAL atvers stay out of an area. I was talking to an old guy where I hunt. He saw the same atver I did in a closed area. The old guy said if he would have had a shot at the atv (without the driver), he would have some damn good target practice. The ironic part of this is the guy on the atv was in his mid to late 20's. The guy walking up the road was in his early to mid 60's and had a severe limp from a logging accident. Can anyone else say LAZY FATASSED ATVER!!!!
vrooooom, vroooom...ziiiiing, piiiiing...nothing like the sound of an atv seizing up in the morning...
I'm sooooo glad to see we've really got the fatasses on the run now with all the closures happening! It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of people. For years we've been enduring their abuse. I have no sympathy at all for them.

Even the dumbest BRC members must be waking up by now and realizing they've been throwing their money down the toilet. All that talk about educating the public was nothing more than a cover up for doing nothing. Remember all the posts I've made about never seeing them at the legislature talking about tougher penalties or more enforcement?
First of all notice that Hawthorne tries to blame this on "Environmentalists". You mean the BRC isn't interested in protecting the environment? Doesn't he know hunters are pushing for closures too?
The BRC is interested in keeping trails open. Environmentalists are not. And with exception to a few hunters on this website, I don't see too many pushing for all out bans on ATV's on public lands. They are pushing for off-trail restrictions, something I have not seen the BRC oppose. What they do oppose are closures that have not gone through the proper processes. And sometimes they win. The SCOTUS ruled 9-0 in the BRC's favor.

As for the crap he says about, "What we want are managed off-highway trail systems and areas ... we can enjoy for generations to come.", we all know they want open riding everywhere. It's just that now they're seeing the writing on the wall and will settle for whatever they can get.
Please support this with factual evidence. Please direct us to the article(s) where the BRC was advocating anything other than "managed off-highway trail systems and areas." Good luck, because you won't find it. Your statement is nothing more than your personal BS.

You don't seem to understand that BRC stands to lose every time an ATVer or other OHV rider breaks the law. All motorized users that ARE members of organizations such as the BRC or a snowmobile association are urged to turn the registration numbers of law-breakers over to law enforcement. I personally do not know one person that would not be happy to do this.

Does anyone actually believe closures of huge tracts of land to ATVs are a victory for the BRC!?

Face it, the BRC has been a miserable failure.
Even the dumbest BRC members must be waking up by now and realizing they've been throwing their money down the toilet. All that talk about educating the public was nothing more than a cover up for doing nothing. Remember all the posts I've made about never seeing them at the legislature talking about tougher penalties or more enforcement?
When those huge tracts of land include inventoried trails, then yes it is a loss for the BRC. Otherwise it isn't. Overall, the only real failure of the BRC lies in them not being able to motivate some lazy fat-assed law-breaking riders not to join their organization and pledge to follow the BRC's principles. See if you can dig up the number of registered OHV's vs the number of paid BRC members.

But go ahead and keep spouting your BS Ithaca. Rational people can see through it just fine.
Just exactly how many of you actually own an ATV and use it for hunting? In Idaho it is illegal to hunt from a motorized vehicle without a special permit. Is a person with a loaded firearm who is riding to a different area(where they intend to hunt)hunting? Many of Idaho's ATV restrictions did not cover birdwatchers or daytrippers originally. The damage done to the high desert of Idaho in only a few short years will take decades to overcome. I don't see fat-asses out planting trees, sage brush, fighting range fires, policing trash,nor any other ecologically sound pursuits. I did see some getting fuel and soda pop and twinkees and them cute little fragranted asswipes.
Ringer and CJCJ,

You guys are really a couple "tools"...

You actually think I'd waste my precious hunting time to vandalize an ATV? HAHA! I slow down just enough to write down any plate numbers, etc. then cruise on by. I usually take down info 1-2 times a year and its much easier to carry a small notepad and a pen. I let the LEO's have their fun...besides, they get paid to make life miserable for atver's. Plus, its great to see the looks on their faces while I'm calmly writing away in the notebook...its really a "priceless" look...and I know they're thinking "I wonder how bad the fine will be for this?" Its hilarious.

What I do believe is that the issue is becoming so big that we are going to start seeing vandalizism of peoples ATV's and likely people getting hurt. But I guarantee it wont be me on either end of that mess. I'd rather be pursuing big mule deer and the like...but, hey, thats just me.

Isnt it great what laziness gets us?
Hey Buzz how are "we" supposed to tell when your bullshitting about [vandalizing]?

Keep it up with your pen a can be the minuteman of fattassed atver`s... observe and report.... yea thats the ticket.... Now how does HOSER explain his illegal intent?

I would have thought EVEN YOU would have gotten the sarcasm in that post...I should have known better. This forum must be similar to dealing with 3rd graders...slow 3rd graders at that.
BuzzH said:
HAHA! I slow down just enough to write down any plate numbers, etc. then cruise on by. I usually take down info 1-2 times a year and its much easier to carry a small notepad and a pen.

You say that You see all this abuse all the time yet you only write it down 1 or 2 times a year? Better pull your head out of your ass and come up for air...your losing it.
AK, How many law breakers do you actually catch red handed every year? Do you see evidence of what they've done every time you're out?

Hangar, I first met Clark Collins in 1987 and listened to his whole agenda. He got smarter about politics, but I don't believe anything he says now. Hey, how'd that ex BRC director ever do in his illegal outfitting case?
Ithaca 37 said:
AK, How many law breakers do you actually catch red handed every year? Do you see evidence of what they've done every time you're out?

Actually I don't see the "evidence" of what they have done everytime I'm out. I go to lots of places that are closed to ATV's and such and don't find all this so called abuse talked about here.

I also ride my sled and atv in places open for these vehicals.
one place I hunt has been closed to ATV's and motorcycles for 3 years now.
Still nearly every ridge is scarred by twin tracks. That is not a judgement nor opinion, it is fact.
Hey, how'd that ex BRC director ever do in his illegal outfitting case?
Haven't heard. He pretty much dropped off the radar after he was canned by the BRC board a couple of days after he was caught receiving money for guided motorcycle tours without a permit. And the fact that you believe nothing Clark Collins says anymore adds nothing to this debate. What do you think of him stepping down as exec. director, or do you not believe that either. Oh wait, you already said you don't believe anything he says.
the nikster said:
one place I hunt has been closed to ATV's and motorcycles for 3 years now.
Still nearly every ridge is scarred by twin tracks. That is not a judgement nor opinion, it is fact.

Nikster.. thats the point i have been trying to make... What good is laws/legislation without ENFORCEMENT? :confused:

Buzz AKhighmark has "Busted" your ass BIG TIME. hump
You are right CJCJ, enforcement is key. I have not seen an ATV on these ridges for a couple of years since F and G began issuing citations for violations. My point is the tracks are not healing as quickly as I would have hoped. I am not bold enough to assume no-one ever goes up there, but I do know that traffic has greatly deminished.
Further, I go into wilderness settings to enjoy wildlife, nature and serenity, None of which co-exist with the ATV crowd.
I have not seen an ATV on these ridges for a couple of years since F and G began issuing citations for violations. My point is the tracks are not healing as quickly as I would have hoped. I am not bold enough to assume no-one ever goes up there, but I do know that traffic has greatly deminished.
Further, I go into wilderness settings to enjoy wildlife, nature and serenity, None of which co-exist with the ATV crowd.

That is why there should me more land totally off limits to ATV's. The hills are not healing because the damage will last for years to come. Anybody who doesn't believe that is not living in reality.

AK- being able to write down the information, catching someone in the act of breaking the law, and the number of fatassed atv drivers breaking the law are all different numbers, wouldn't you agree. If you are able to write down the info. on two illegal drivers, you see a couple more, what do you think the true number of violators are in an area? Looking at the various Closed roads and closed network of roads in the area I hunt, I have personally seen 3 illegal atvs during the hunting season. When the snow fell, there were tracks on at least half of the roads. I was able to get the information on one that I turned in. Again, this was just during hunting season. There is a huge problem and it is getting attention by the FS. It is now a top 4 priority in National Forests. Other agencies are taking note also. Maybe in Alaska, there isn't a problem but the FS is making it's judgment based on all 50 states.

I just hope ATVers don't get hurt. There are a lot of people who get really pissed after walking their ass off only to see some fatass on an atv drive by on the CLOSED road below them. As the gentleman I spoke to said, "target practice". I may be wrong but I don't believe he is the only one who feels that way.
I agree with that,[Nemont] i have seen an area near burro creek,AZ ,that these jerks on dirtbikes[before quads] were having their own unauthorized hillclimb....its blm land and i called blm when i got home...and they said they didn`t have the manpower to investigate it...this was 25 yrs ago and the damage from erosion is still there , except the hillclimb path is now a huge trench about 40ft wide by 300yrds long all the way to the top of a once pristine mountain.....after they were done water did the rest, and this was just 4 a-holes on 1 weekend. :MAD