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Far Fetched...


Oct 10, 2017
Alexandria, VA
I'm almost done with episode 78 and I've got to admit, I've never wanted to eat a grouse/rabbit so bad! Couldn't help but comment on how the guests are talking about going on a snipe hunt as well as hunting jackalope... Ha ha, I'd like to see a you tube "how to" on snipe hunting techniques for all the new folks! Another great podcast.
I finished this one this morning. I really enjoyed the grouse talk, and got fired up as I usually forgo a large portion of my archery elk season to chase Blues with a shotgun.

Though not as sexy as bigger critters, I get excited about small game and don't hunt them enough. The opportunity is enormous and year round in so many places. Hank, Jon, and Randy make for a good podcast and sound like a bunch of guys sitting around a fire drinking - interrupting each other, jokes at one another's expense, etc. It makes for a great podcast.
After eating the Antelope Jackrabbit Hank cooked, never again with a one of those huge buggers get out of my reach without my most honorable effort to convert him to table fare. Of all the things Hank cooked that week, and there were a lot of obscure platters prepared, the Antelope Jackrabbit was my favorite.

Glad you like the podcast. The idea was to try express how much fun we have in Southern Arizona when we go down and do this trip. It is a great time and when having culinary experts like Hank and Johnathan only serve to make the results far tastier than if left to my basic skills.
It was a great podcast, I grew up in ND and like Randy only learned the McCormicks taco seasoning route of cooking so it is fun to hear about all the possibilities. Today I learned crane is the ribeye in the sky! I want to try some jerky now and I also want to try age pheasant after the way Hank raved about that.
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