Fair pay to play


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2019
Gavin (dumbass) Newsom signed this bill in California. Now nothing is actually gonna happen until 2023. And thank God because we can atleast enjoy college sports as they are for that many more years. This is such a stupid bill for many reasons.
1. Nobody is forcing these students to play a sport it's their choice to play.
2. Most of these student athletes are on scholarship aka: a FREE EDUCATION!!! I'm pretty effing good at alot of sports but nobody paid for my tuition. So that is compensation already.
3. How many people will take donor money from _____ University ball out for 4 games be the leading Heisman candidate and decide to transfer to ______ University cause now thier donors are offering me $50 grand more.
4. This could be the end of college athletics as we know it all because of SJW's like Gavin Newsom are unfit to walk and chew gum at the same time let alone sign bills into law.

I realize the bill sounds all good with the idea that these athletes deserve to be paid and it makes people feel all good and special inside to support such a thing but this is a terrible bill. I also understand that some of this pay to play stuff already happens but legalization of it will completely ruin college sports.

And it's worth repeating these athletes are paid to play with a FREE EDUCATION!!!!!

Also LeBron James is an absolute IDIOT without a basketball in his hands.
Yeah, the knee jerk reaction from most is that the universities are making "millions" off the talents of the players and some of that should go to the players. What they fail to acknowledge is the inevitable consequences surrounding that line of thinking. Universities with donors who have nothing better to do but give gobs of money to ill prepared kids would overrun the system until all that's left would be some semblance of a minor league system. Yuck.

Also, onpoint I don't think you are on point.
Pretty unfortunate... College ball had its challenges though throw this monkey into the mix and...
Gavin (dumbass) Newsom signed this bill in California. Now nothing is actually gonna happen until 2023. And thank God because we can atleast enjoy college sports as they are for that many more years. This is such a stupid bill for many reasons.
1. Nobody is forcing these students to play a sport it's their choice to play.
2. Most of these student athletes are on scholarship aka: a FREE EDUCATION!!! I'm pretty effing good at alot of sports but nobody paid for my tuition. So that is compensation already.
3. How many people will take donor money from _____ University ball out for 4 games be the leading Heisman candidate and decide to transfer to ______ University cause now thier donors are offering me $50 grand more.
4. This could be the end of college athletics as we know it all because of SJW's like Gavin Newsom are unfit to walk and chew gum at the same time let alone sign bills into law.

I realize the bill sounds all good with the idea that these athletes deserve to be paid and it makes people feel all good and special inside to support such a thing but this is a terrible bill. I also understand that some of this pay to play stuff already happens but legalization of it will completely ruin college sports.

And it's worth repeating these athletes are paid to play with a FREE EDUCATION!!!!!

Also LeBron James is an absolute IDIOT without a basketball in his hands.
The small schools sports programs will get destroyed. Players will have less say so where to play only follow the money. May daughter is on a softball scholarship. She is not there to play sports, but to get an education. She views softball as a job to help pay for her education. That will be lost now. She picked the school because of the education, dorm life and then sports program. Lots gos into picking a school. Outside money given to a player should not be none of them. If your "paid Player" doesn't get the visibility then you lose the money you invested. Thats how they will control which school you go to.
I think NCAA should require all student athletes to commit to 2-3 years of schooling before they are able to sign on for a scholarship. Some play sports to help with school costs because they know the odds of going pro are low and take it serious. Others use it as a stepping stone. I mean Zion played one year to increase his price. What happens when an athlete has a few shitty performances? Do they cut him, do they trade him or will it come as far as getting kicked out of school? These are amateurs they should play the game and not even worry about a paycheck if they are so worried consider a free education paycheck enough. T
We already established that. I always see stupid posts in the sports forum. It's not a forum for hunting related topics. So fricken what. Be a dick somewhere else. mtmuley

Sorry for hurting your feelins, muley.
Sports forum? OK, I'll stick to sports.
I'll be watching the Brewers/Nats game tonight. The American past time.
Without any (thinly veiled as Syte's true leanings:p) political implications whatsoever.
While I appreciate where you're coming from on this issue, I respectfully disagree. Yes, some universities are making significant amounts of money, that's really only a handful of schools. The least interested person in sports can name them... But the OP's message is a touch misleading. It DOES NOT allow the schools to pay players- rather it allows the players to make money off of their own name, likeness or as coaches in the sport that they excel in. Please tell me how that is wrong? A scholarshiped golfer working as a Pro in the summer? A swimmer, coaching in the summer? A QB or linebacker being paid for his name and likeness being used in a videogame?
The real problem in this equation is the NCAA. The "Altruistic" organization that promotes fair play, sportsmanship, and academic excellence. Please, they allow pedophiles as coaches (Penn State), sexual abuse of gymnasts (Michigan State, Georgia...) and wrestlers (Ohio State University). They have sold all of the Bowl Games to corporations and created so many bowls, that few have any significance. A six-win season can now get you a bowl game (See the Idaho Potato Bowl in Boise {Go Vandals, 2x Champion!!}).
All the while, the NCAA makes over a Billion dollars in profit and the President of the NCAA makes $2.4 Million a year.
Do kids get a "free" education? Sure. Are they exploited as athletes? Of course, they are.
Tell me again, how "Pure" college sports are...

I wish you all the best and if you're going hunting this week/end, Get a Big One.
Sorry for hurting your feelins, muley.
Sports forum? OK, I'll stick to sports.
I'll be watching the Brewers/Nats game tonight. The American past time.
Without any (thinly veiled as Syte's true leanings:p) political implications whatsoever.

Can it still be referred to as American past time? I mean they have instant replay now, which is I think it ruins the sport
It basically crafts education into mini NFL, NBA, MLB organizations.
Next up, College teams buying / trading college kids. A draft to follow to curb the lopsided teams. The significant movement between conferences I, II, divisions, etc...
It DOES NOT allow the schools to pay players- rather it allows the players to make money off of their own name, likeness or as coaches in the sport that they excel in. Please tell me how that is wrong?
Coach #1 - We would really like you to play for USC. We can’t pay you, but my buddy Tony would like you to coach his nephews peewee team. He’ll pay you well.
Coach #2 - We would really like you to play for UCLA. We can’t pay you, but my friend Steve owns seven car dealerships and would by happy to use your likeness in an advertisement. He’ll pay you 10% more than Tony.

Is this wrong?
While I appreciate where you're coming from on this issue, I respectfully disagree. Yes, some universities are making significant amounts of money, that's really only a handful of schools. The least interested person in sports can name them... But the OP's message is a touch misleading. It DOES NOT allow the schools to pay players- rather it allows the players to make money off of their own name, likeness or as coaches in the sport that they excel in. Please tell me how that is wrong? A scholarshiped golfer working as a Pro in the summer? A swimmer, coaching in the summer? A QB or linebacker being paid for his name and likeness being used in a videogame?
The real problem in this equation is the NCAA. The "Altruistic" organization that promotes fair play, sportsmanship, and academic excellence. Please, they allow pedophiles as coaches (Penn State), sexual abuse of gymnasts (Michigan State, Georgia...) and wrestlers (Ohio State University). They have sold all of the Bowl Games to corporations and created so many bowls, that few have any significance. A six-win season can now get you a bowl game (See the Idaho Potato Bowl in Boise {Go Vandals, 2x Champion!!}).
All the while, the NCAA makes over a Billion dollars in profit and the President of the NCAA makes $2.4 Million a year.
Do kids get a "free" education? Sure. Are they exploited as athletes? Of course, they are.
Tell me again, how "Pure" college sports are...

I wish you all the best and if you're going hunting this week/end, Get a Big One.
You are correct Tyler the school's wont be footing the money. That doctor with a piece of paper from Georgia with his own practice will foot the money for the next Saquon Barkley on his alma mater.

Exploitation give me a break!!!! Nobody is forcing these kids to do what they love. If I was 17 I would give my left nut to play division 1 baseball on scholarship. Dont have to ask me twice! Hardly exploitation.
As for all the bowl games....dont worry about them they will soon be gone as the revenue goes away because the product on the field is so terrible nobody will be watching college sports anymore.

I also never said that the sports were "pure". We all know schools are bending and breaking rules when it comes to recruiting but if you legalize it that's a whole different can of worms.