Episode 99 Question


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2018
Apple Valley, MN

Listening to this podcast while driving for Christmas. Great discussion, just one question. Multiple times it was mentioned that the bills restricting private landowner property rights are brought by people who “hate conservation easements”. Why do they hate these? I’m guessing it’s money related, but the easements seem like a win win to me. Why the hate? I appreciate the clarification.

Listening to this podcast while driving for Christmas. Great discussion, just one question. Multiple times it was mentioned that the bills restricting private landowner property rights are brought by people who “hate conservation easements”. Why do they hate these? I’m guessing it’s money related, but the easements seem like a win win to me. Why the hate? I appreciate the clarification.

I finally got to this one. I was a little behind. I think if you listen at about 49 minutes in the guys go through it. The other podcasts I listen to are conspiracy theory related, so any more commentary from me would probably get pretty weird pretty quickly.

I can see how this could have been read very different than I intended. Sorry about that. I will work on my communication.
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Listening to this podcast while driving for Christmas. Great discussion, just one question. Multiple times it was mentioned that the bills restricting private landowner property rights are brought by people who “hate conservation easements”. Why do they hate these? I’m guessing it’s money related, but the easements seem like a win win to me. Why the hate? I appreciate the clarification.

Ideological belief, almost religious zeal, against any deed restriction that is in perpetuity.

Think about the hypocrisy of these folks who are supposed 5th Amendment property rights supporters. Yet, they want to restrict who can do something with a property right, such as selling or donating one of the property rights connected to a property, most often the development rights. These folks want to restrict the ability to sell or donate development rights if it is sold/donated in a manner that allows the property owner to maximize the estate/income tax savings, something that requires perpetual deed restriction.

My property; your property. If I/you want to sell/donate one or many of the rights, whether for a term-certain period or in perpetuity, it is my/your right to do so under the 5th Amendment. If some "faux property rights supporter" doesn't like it, TFB, NOYFB, KMA, and a host of other acronyms apply.

Funny how some of these folks want to hold themselves out as big supporters of private property rights, until such time a private property owner wants to do something that the faux property rights advocate doesn't like or is ideologically opposed to. Those hypocrites need to be smoked out and shown for what they are.
My guess is that these folks' ideological compass is pointed toward money, not property rights. Block development, you block the hands that grab the money from said developments. Plenty of people look at a piece of undeveloped land and only see dollar signs.
I've always viewed the opposition to conservation easements as a support of money making. If the land can't be divided then that's money that won't be made on it. What I've experienced is that certain people simply can't stand the idea of not making money on something. It's not just the land owner either, they (the ones I'm thinking of) would say that when the land is sold it'll be worth less so there will be less income generated from any future sales for the real estate agents, then the developer, even the final home owners. All of that potential money is lost and they don't support that.

There's also a little of the "if it's supported by the OTHER side then I can't support it" mentality.
Ideological belief, almost religious zeal, against any deed restriction that is in perpetuity.

Got it. The "in perpetuity" part was what I was missing. I was really struggling to make sense of that. Land access in perpetuity...who wouldn't want that! Appreciate the clarification.
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