Episode #8 - Montana Bear

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Hard to believe we are at episode #8 already. Things are really rolling along well.

Tomorrow (8/21), the Montana bear episode will air at 11:30 am and 10:00 pm, and Sunday (8/23) at 3:00 pm. All times Mountain time. Outdoor Channel is home of On Your Own Adventures.

This episode is a spot and stalk bear hunt with Lawnboy. Lawnboy has killed a few bears, but this was my first black bear. Have shot an AK Brownie, but never a blackie, even though my dad used to be a "bait for hire" guy back home in Minnesota. Just never had the fever.

The guys I hang out with in Montana are some of the biggest bear junkies I have ever met. They spent every waking hour hunting bears from late April to early June. Finally, I decided to try it and see what this bear hunting passion is all about. Needless to say, I will never miss another spring time without being in the bear mountains.

Some of you followed this episode when we were hunting last spring. I feel bad that I had to go to Phoenix and do a lot of show selling at the NRA show during that time, so I really wasn't able to give it the detail and substance I think a hunt deserves. I hope you will forgive me.

For those of you from Montana who are trying to glean where this episode was shot, I caution you to not make too much of the backdrop, scenery, and terrain. Often, we go to many different locations to film, just so guys don't feel that we are giving away a spot that might be their "honey hole."

Any of the mountains in western states have great black bear hunting, and the openness of much of the country makes for a great spot and stalk experience. The country in much other bear country, gives little chance for spot and stalk, so if that is on your list of things to someday do, coming out west is a great opportunity to do it.

Thanks to Lawnboy for taking time away from work, during some of his most busy periods, and teaching me a few bear hunting tricks. Greenhorn and Critter Gitter were also some great resources for this hunt. If you spend as much time in the bear woods as those two guys, you are a certified bear nut, no question.

Anyhow, here is the thread where the hunt unfolded. I still haven't had the bear measured, and don't know if I will. The trophy was the hunt itself, doing something new, and spending time with cool friends talking about bears and chasing them in the hills.

Hunt Talk - Spring Bear.

Once again, if you enjoy what you see, keep the emails going to Outdoor Channel. The announced our show performance for the first month, and it was excellent. Thanks for all your support. I hope you will continue to let them know if you like it. You can email them at [email protected].
Because I don't have cable and neither do most of my friends, not to mention my weekends tend to be full, I've been planning on just catching up on most of the OYOA episodes in December. I really wanted to see this one though, so I took and early lunch and went to a local sports bar.

Nice episode, and a lot of familiar looking terrain. Seems like you found areas with WAY less snow this spring than I did, however. That bear you took really was studly, and the mountian lion was very neat. I really liked the footage of your hand shaking after the shot, as well as how there wasn't too much focus on the trophy after it was down. Good show. I've got a lot going on in my life right now, but this show and the antelope hunt thread have definately gotten me wound up for hunting season. Two more weeks!
Way to make a guy miss spring...
Spring bear is without a doubt my favorite hunt of the year. Even with Deer, elk and antelope right around the corner, I'm already plotting out next years bear hunt. The show did an awesome job of showing why Spring in Montana is so special.
Thanks for the show and congrats on a toad of a bear.
Just out of curiosity what'd that guy square out at?
Fin your shows just keep getting better and better, the more shows I watch the more I understand how much money these hunting STARS are throwing into there hunts. Truth be told if they were put into your position and had to do it all on there own we would be watching a lot more could of,should of, would of, without much success. Fin you have shown the average Joe why we enjoy hunting and its not all about the kill or the size of the animal. Keep up the good work !!
It was amazing seeing all the wildlife we did. I was surprised to see the turkeys as well. The skunks were out in full force as well. Not sure what was up with that. I almost couldn't get Fin to focus on the bear hunt with all the fun he was having with the Turkeys:D
Randy, my wife dose not like to watch hunting shows but last night she was sitting with me on the coach and I told her about the teaching aspect of On Your Own and she for the 1st time ever sat and watched. It was a great hunt and you guys have excellent delivery in your story telling. Thanks
Great show!!!..... It really shows the reality of fairchase bear hunting in the spring. Nicely done, lots of class, as do all your shows. Loved the lion in the open. I think that was my highlight. Great job guys...