Caribou Gear



Active member
Jan 13, 2002
Salmon, ID
Hey man, check you PM. I was meaning to ask you a few questions last time you were in the chat but I forgot about them until today. Thanks!!
I think he's in AK doing some salmon fishing for the next few days.

He'll be back Sunday I think. We have a date for a Salmon cook ..
I am back..... If that is a clip flashlight, then I think you need to work on the guy lines to get rid of the sag. The Fly should clip down to the stakes.

Next time I am in REI, I will look at it, but I tell you, I went with Half Dome Plus, Backpacker Magazine's Tent of the Year...

I hate it when you go around telling people we are dating....
I just want to know how much fish I have... that you brought back.... Then I'll take you on a date... Cough up the info Fag boy !!!
I brought back one box (50lbs...) King and Halibut.... I love that part of the world. I see why Johnnie (Muskeg) hangs out there...

I got 60 digital pictures and 96 film pictures, maybe someday I'll let you see 'em...

When is the BBQ? Weeknight or weekend? I would almost vote weeknight, as I am getting in the mode of spending my weekends in Valley county...

This weekend is backpacking up near McCall. Next weekend is Water Skiing at Cascade... The next weekend is packing... The next weekend is Salmon river.... etc.. etc...

I need to go do a bit of deer scouting sometime this summer. I got two good ideas. One for Mulies, one for Whiteys... Both are the same theory, just 200 miles apart... I may be buying the non-resident tag, so I can kill an extra 2-point...
WELL... I have NO weekends open till Sept.. ALL BOOKED up already. I sat down and Made a schedule and Between working, Camping, HELLS CANYON (PS< Are you going with us ?) and other stuff Every one is already booked for the Entire summer
.. then I'm off to Alaska for 3 weeks.. So lets make it a weekday. I have thing on Monday, A dinner on tuesday with some friends, Another Dinner on Wed. with some others Thursday I have a late night... Friday I... OK, The following week looks better

PICK a dinner day ANY day the following week and I'll let ya know. I have a fairly open schedule

Kudos on the FISH man !!! MY nighbor went up yesterday after work and caught 2. Said they were tearing um up !!!!