Elk and bison - Bad news in Helena

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
It is almost a contest to see who can come up with the worst bill in Helena. It is neck and neck race for the idiocy trophy this week, between the habitual offender John "I hate hunters" Brenden and Allan "I want to be like John Brenden" Redfield.

Redfield has introduced HB 312, a bill that will require FWP, read hunters, to pay for brucellosis testing, something that has been defeated in bitter fights the last two sessions. Even worse, it includes other wildlife, including elk, now having a higher prevalence of this disease that came from cattle.

The bill requires management to reduce the prevalence of brucellosis in wildlife, ELK. So, we are going to manage for even lower numbers of elk in the areas surrounding Yellowstone.

(2) If the source of brucellosis transmission resulting in an order or regulation promulgated under subsection (1) is:
(a) wild buffalo or wild bison, the administrator shall enforce the provisions of 81-2-120 in a manner that ensures that the risk of additional transmission from wild buffalo or wild bison to livestock is eliminated or minimized as much as possible; or
(b) from any other species of wildlife, the administrator shall, in coordination with the department of fish, wildlife, and parks, develop brucellosis surveillance and prevalence reduction procedures for the wildlife species identified as the source of transmission within the area affected

As if a reduction of the Upper Yellowstone herd from 19,000 down to 4,500 has not been enough, we need to go further, according to this bill. And, the same would apply for the Gallatin and Madison herds that are already way below previous levels.

Even if you don't get worked up about bison, you might want to stand up and fight for your elk.

Here is a link to the bill, HB 312 - http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/2013/billhtml/HB0312.htm

And, as is often the case, they stuff these bills in committees favorable to there cause, in this case the Agricultural Committee. Here is a link to Redfield's personal legislative email, but you can also notify the entire committee by hitting the "Committee" button, right above his name and select the House Agriculture Commitee.

http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4116&Name=ALAN REDFIELD

Whether people want to admit it, or not, there are some in the legislature who hate elk as much as they hate bison. Bison are just the wedge they use to accomplish their objective to hammer elk, also.

The worst elk predators in Montana haunt the halls of the legislature, every two years. This year having a particularly large and hungry pack trolling the halls of the Capitol.

Following post will talk about the bison extermination bill by the habitual offended, Senator Brenden.
Brendan has been a thorn in the sides of hunters for a long time.

I guess I will have to double if not triple my e-mails to him starting tomorrow.
Thanks for the heads up Randy. I guess these sessions any more are a marathon of fighting for our way of outdoor life. I certainly appreciate the handful of you guys here that keep all of us in the loop. Thank you!
We need more than emails boys.

We needs folks to show up in Helena.

Brenden's bill will be heard Thursday, January 31st, at 3 PM in the Old Supreme Court Chambers.

This bill, and Redfield's bill both will have dire consequences for Montana's hunters.

Come if you can make it.
And now the bison extermination bill, SB 143. It is sponsored by Senator John Brenden, a guy who takes great pride in his ability to take out his hatred on hunters and wildlife, and do so in his elected position as Senator.

Why the Republican leaders put him and his hatred for hunters as the Chairman of the Senate Fish and Game Committee, is beyond me. Someone in the Republican leadership must think it is funny to lay the pipe to hunters by placing this guy as their leader on hunting issues.

Here is the bill link, SB 143 - http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/2013/billhtml/SB0143.htm

The days of possible bison hunts will soon be over. They will be shot on site. Like the greater American public is going to stand for that.

If these vocal fringe operators thought that the wolf issue was a problem, they are setting themselves up for the same thing to happen with bison. Right now, we could solve some of these issues by working together at the state level and keep the greater American public out of the discussion.

We start shooting every buffalo that enters Montana and the USFWS will be called out by the large American population. The greater American public does not share this stupid view of bison being some pestilence in need of extermination. The Feds will be on us like a rat on a Cheeto. Judge Malloy will have to come out of retirement and make a new career of bison, the same as he did on wolves.

How many stupid ideas can you fit in one bill? Let's see. Here are a few, for straters:

> Disallows Wild Bison from entering the state

> Allows Landowners to shoot wild bison for any reason if they are on private land so long as they obtain a hunting license

> Turns Wild Bison management over to the Department of Livestock completely

> Forbids the State of Montana from ever releasing Wild Bison on Public Land (Section 3, sub 4)

> Forbids the transplanting of bison anywhere other than the National Bison Range.

> This bill will pretty destroy all the hard bi-partisan work accomplished by SB 212 in the 2011 Legislative Session

> Pretty much violates every ethic and standards Montana has set in regards to wildlife management.

> Eliminates participation in the Interagency Bison Management Plan & working Group (section 1), something we have participated in for years.

I predict, if this bill passes, the fear that anti-bison people have of Federal interference in manner similar to wolves, will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. They will have nobody to blame but themselves. And then they will be pissed at hunters, the Feds, and everyone else.

In just a mere three weeks, the fringe has passed a bill to stop any effort to rebuild our bighorn sheep herds from disease. HB 312 puts elk in the crosshairs, under the guise of disease control. And now, this bill pretty much seals the final fate for bison in a way not even the market shooters could do 140 years ago.

Stupid has maybe reached a climax in Helena. I have thought that in the past, only to have them out perform their previous portrayals of ignorance.

Before I forget, here is the link to entire Senate Fish and Game Committee.

Senate Fish and Game Committee: Hearing is this Thursdays, January 31, at 3 p.m. in Room 422

Brenden, John (R - Ch) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4212&Name=JOHN C BRENDEN
Ripley, Rick (R – V Ch) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4209&Name=RICK RIPLEY
Barrett, Debby (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4220&Name=DEBBY BARRETT
Facey, Tom (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4099&Name=TOM FACEY
Fielder, Jennifer (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4208&Name=JENNIFER FIELDER
Hamlett, Brad (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4210&Name=BRADLEY MAXON HAMLETT
Jent, Larry (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4093&Name=LARRY JENT
Peterson, Jim (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4088&Name=JIM E PETERSON
Thomas, Fred (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4224&Name=FRED THOMAS
Van Dyk, Kendall (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4101&Name=KENDALL J VAN DYK

Secretary: Mary Kulawik, Rm 320, (406) 444-4889

Note, you can send a message to the entire committee by clicking the "Committee" button at any of the legislator contact pages shown below. That is the fastest way to contact the entire committee.

If you want to ever experience the cool kind of a bison hunt like I had last week, I hope you will contact these people and advocate on behalf of bison. Failure to act on this bill will make your chances of a free range bison hunt shrink to something close to zero.
We need more than emails boys.

We needs folks to show up in Helena.

Brenden's bill will be heard Thursday, January 31st, at 3 PM in the Old Supreme Court Chambers.

This bill, and Redfield's bill both will have dire consequences for Montana's hunters.

Come if you can make it.

Ben is right. I am adjusting my meetings so I can be there. I have room for three others to jump in the rig with me. You might get to personally see Ol' Fin blow a cork. Better take some meds before I go.
As if a reduction of the Upper Yellowstone herd from 19,000 down to 4,500 has not been enough, we need to go further, according to this bill. And, the same would apply for the Gallatin and Madison herds that are already way below previous levels.

And with so many so stupid about wolves it allows the perfect cover.
Stupid is as stupid does. Just waiting for my state of Idaho. All it takes is a couple of folks during session to start a chit storm by trading their wants for somebody elses by closing their eyes to what they are voiting for. Sorry, but that is just how in goes.
Ben is right. I am adjusting my meetings so I can be there. I have room for three others to jump in the rig with me. You might get to personally see Ol' Fin blow a cork. Better take some meds before I go.

We've gone from bat crap crazy to buffalo chip crazy.

Things are going to get a lot worse over the next month. Look at he LC's about putting counties in charge of wildlife, eliminating all hunter orange requirements, and SB 151- the return of Paul Ellis and his elk archery obsession.

This one is sponsored by Senator Jim Petersen.

The honeymoon is over. Time to get the armor on and send Shoots out in front with his Claymore.
I also noticed an extended muzzleloader elk season for all those that want to "come home to hunt" over the Christmas/New Year's holidays.
Really, guys, what Ben just mentioned is absolute fact. The stuff we have in front of us for the next two months is beyond anything you or I could dream up. These bad bills and the venom being injected toward hunters will change the future of wildlife management and hunting in Montana.

I know many cannot make it there. Emails and phone calls are paramount. Some of us are lucky to have situations that allow us to be there. When not filming, I will be going up every Tuesday and Thursday. Anyone is welcome to join me if they have a free day and want to see the ugliness of what it takes to defeat this stupidity.

For those who vote a solid "R" on their ballot out of party loyalty, think about the craziness we are having to fight in this session, next time you are in the ballot box. Every one of these stupid bills we will fight are by the far fringe of a party that has been hijacked by the American Tradition Partnership, a front operation for the most radical fringe in all of politics. I am a conservative person who votes "R" very often, but this kind of stuff and the idiocy of the fringe makes it hard to justify voting "R" as a default position in Montana. I always say the fringe is home to small minds and big egos. Never has that been more true than the last three sessions of the Montana legislature.

Some will be offended by that previous paragraph, but it is a fact. If that fact is offensive, I apologize in advance.
I also noticed an extended muzzleloader elk season for all those that want to "come home to hunt" over the Christmas/New Year's holidays.
You have got to be chitting me....:eek::W:

Nope, no chitting. That one is introduced by a legislator who claims to be a board member for Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. Not that I am surprised that such an idea would come from an SFW guy.

So while all of us are beating the tar out of each other, having a big debate on what can be done to improve the future of mule deer, some SFW dude introduces a bill to allow us to hunt them longer, and do so in late December when the bucks are standing along the roadside.

Don't crap yourself yet, there are more that are just as bad, and some even worse. I'm telling you, it is a competition up there to see who can claim the further edge of the fringe.
His parent made a big mistake calling him "champ"...should have bought a different vowel...like perhaps a U.
Here you go Buzz... check it out. :D

And Champ himself..
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I'm happy to send emails stating I'll be glad to take my NR fees, lunches at Naps in Hamilton, and purchases of Big Sky Beer elsewhere if they continue to manage for stupidity....just give me some links.
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