Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Earth Day


New member
Dec 11, 2000
I went and rubbed elbow's with the greenie's this week-end.
They had an Earth Day Celebration in Boise.
Anyone else go?
SO, would that make you guilty by association of being an {GASP} environmentalist?
I didn't attend any Earth Day celebrations, I spent the weekend studying.

but, she isn't a envirowacko until she gets to the point that
since she has her "stuff"(petro-, wood-, mining- products) and to turn off the supply to everyone else.
i dont attend earth day anything, i do more for the environment every year than every earth day parade, gay rights parade and transexual,lesbian,divorced male bashing group combined.all they do is bitch and i at least take out what i brought in and try to do something better.every hunter should be a better conservationist than to give out a bunch of paper about recycling that will end up in a landfill
I like Earth day. Vipe got a extra 2 cents a pound on the aluminum cans she took in to recycle because it was Earth week. (hey she has to have some kind of job

Guess this makes us a envirowacko.
LMAO you guy's...
I wacked up a couple of trees and threw them in a nice big fire, I had to do my part!!!
Just thought I would keep an open mind and see what I could learn.
They did have some solar power info. and
Natural product's ,Steve supported one by buying a pair of sun glasses.
Then I spied one that had a map and picture's ,it got my attention.
I asked what the picture's were showing.
Illegal ORV use, and damage done by cows and the area they are pushing to make into a wilderness are to protect it for all of this.
Well,the best picture they had of ORV caused damage happens to be around the parking area/trail head to the ORV park.
I asked again -----so this picture right here is showing illegal damage by ATVs and Motorcycles?
YES was the answer.
I had to asked,"isnt that the area set aside FOR THAT TYPE OF RIDING"?
Well huh ummmmmm yes it is.
So why would you have to use a picture of the area that was set aside for the ORV's to use and try to pass it off as being illegal damage?
In fact in that area it is leagl to ride off road (if a person wanted it).So there was NOTHING illegal about those picture's.
They should of said ----We just dont like anyone using this area and would like to close it down to everything except hiker's and we have to prove our point by using mis-leading picture's.
It didnt set very well that I knew the area and said something about it.
It is just that type of false stuff that frost my butt with these groups.
As I told the attorney there (Advocates for the West) with all the real damage a person could find in area's where it is indeed illegal to ride off trail or road why do these org. have to stoop to using trick's and half truth's?
There feeble answer after he referred me to "someone that knows the area"( he was just one of the attorneys ) was -" we put up that picture to show what could happen if we dont stop ORV use"!!!!

As I told them there is ORV use and there has been ,and you still have to use the LEGAL area to show damage??????
Had I not known the area ,I would of thought it was illegal use being done ,that is the problem with alot of these org.,and the general public that blindly supports them for no other reason because someone tells them they should.

Needless to say I didnt get invited to any of there hike's.


I am still convinced there are good environmental minded groups out there but a person need's to look close and not be blindly lead to the little piece of paper to sign something you know nothing about.
From the crowd that I saw wondering around there, a large number of them looked like they never would venture out of a park setting,and must have got lost trying to find the bathtub and a bar of soap
Thanks for sharing MD. As you said, there are good and bad orgs (of all types and affiliations) and each individual is free to choose which to support and those they don't.
Heres an opinion piece from todays Missoulian. Mirrors my thoughts pretty well so I thought I'ld share it.


Footnote to Earth Day: Be optimistic - Friday, April 25

SUMMARY: Our world's doing better than it seems around Earth Day.

This week of lament about the state of the environment is wrapping up. Thank goodness "Every Day is Earth Day" is just a figure of speech. What a dreary existence it would be if we had to endure this form of self-flagellation all the time.

Don't get us wrong. We love Earth. We consider a clean and healthful environment one of Montana' most valuable constitutional rights. We greatly respect environmentalists and many of their causes.

We just don't fully understand why we're supposed to fret so much about the state of the environment when there's so much environmental progress worth celebrating.

This isn't one of those glass-half-full-half-empty things. The simple fact is that our environment is getting cleaner and our stewardship is getting better, despite all of the serious problems and legitimate concerns that remain.

Anyone who's lived in Missoula more than 10 years knows the air is cleaner. But it's not just here. The air is cleaner throughout North America. The latest report from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation says pollution has declined 5 percent overall in North America since 1995, with

28 percent less chemicals spewing into the air. The trends are even more pronounced over the long term. Airborne lead levels are down more than 90 percent. Carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide levels have been cut by more than two-thirds. More than three decades after the beginning of the modern environmental movement, we're reaping the benefits of cleaner technology and better practices.

The air isn't the only thing improving. Our lakes and rivers are getting cleaner, not dirtier. Locally, we're on the brink of ripping out a dam on the Clark Fork and cleaning up century-old mining wastes from the Superfund site behind it. That's progress. The whole Clark Fork Basin could serve as a barometer of environmental progress. Lordy, what a mess! But we're cleaning it up. It's getting better, not worse. Heck, one of the bigger controversies around here is the aggressive pace of connecting homes to the city's wastewater treatment plant.

Oh, but what about endangered species? There's no shortage of them, it's true. But we're gaining, not losing ground, on many fronts. Save the grizzlies? Save the wolves? We're doing it! And the forests? Well, they're full of challenges. One of them is that we're growing trees a lot faster than we're cutting them down. We're still trying to get it right, but there's no question that we're gaining understanding and sophistication in forest management. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never seen a picture of western Montana early in the 20th century.

You can't celebrate our environmental gains without acknowledging the fact that some of the progress is due to harping from environmentalists. Their never-enough attitude has, in fact, kept people focused on the goals. Remember this and their sometimes-shrill cries will be more tolerable.

But we'd attribute the greater gains to affluence. Making the world better for future generations is a luxury to poor people and poor societies. As economies grow, so do people's expectations. What's been especially interesting - and encouraging - to see over the years is that a cleaner environment isn't merely a byproduct of a stronger economy. The benefit actually cuts both ways. Measures that reduce wastes at a factory can also increase efficiency, for example. And things that make people healthier also cause them to live (and buy things) longer and to work more productively. Many of the things that make the environment better also make the economy stronger.

Sure, there are plenty of environmental threats that need addressing and problems that need fixing - locally and globally. But experience suggests cause for optimism.

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