E-scouting for late season cow tag


Oct 8, 2019
Hey everyone,
My first post here after following along for a long time. A little about myself, I grew up hunting and fishing in Colorado and try to get out for elk and deer every year with a rifle or muzzleloader in hand. I've had a limited amount of success but really trying to hone the craft, particularly improving my finding of game.

I picked up a late season cow tag in Colorado for the northwest part of the state. My research leads me to think that if we get some snow the elk will be migrating down to my hunting unit. What do I look for at this point? Do elk need open water sources or is snow enough for them? What type of feed are they looking for in mid-December? Do cows seek out security and sanctuary the way bulls do?

Obviously a lot of questions, if you have any advice I'd love to hear it. Thanks!
I'd try and get ahold of the local biologist or warden and see what they say. From the biologists I've talked to, they've always been super helpful when it comes to cows. Bulls too but I think they want to see cows get shot and will really help out.

I've only hunted them in the late season once but they weren't in too tough of terrain and mainly need good feed. We found some out in the wide ass open and heard plenty of similar stories so sometimes, covering lots of country and glassing is the best thing to do. I can't say it's the same where you'll be hunting, but don't be afraid to long range glass the open sage.
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