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Dubya Adminstration Beyotch-slapped by Judge


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
In a soon to be handed down victory for Hunters and Fishermen, the anti-hunting/fishing Bush Administration once again gets prepared to lose another attempt at supressing science and promoting their anti-hunting/fishing agenda.

Get serious about salmon, judge says

Redden tells federal officials he can drain water if they don't look at all the ways to save fish.

A judge in Oregon said he could order federal dam managers to drain more water from Idaho, spill more water away from power-producing turbines or draw down reservoirs on the Snake and Columbia rivers if officials don't do more to protect salmon and steelhead.
U.S. District Court Judge James Redden told federal attorneys he believes proposed plans to protect salmon "fail to satisfy the biological and legal requirements of the Endangered Species Act."

Redden did not say he would require officials to breach the four lower Snake River dams, which many scientists have said would be the best way to revive salmon runs. But his letter reminded the officials that he had asked them to consider all measures to save salmon, including dam removal.

"Federal defendants seem unwilling to seriously consider any significant changes to the status quo dam operations," Redden wrote.

Since the documents are still in draft form, officials still have time to make them right. But if they don't, Redden said he may just order the changes he sees necessary to benefit the fish. The judge and federal dam officials have disagreed on how to manage dams and salmon since the Clinton administration.

Redden's letter signaled that he wants the legal wrangling to end.

Redden said he would not send the plans - which are called "biological opinions" - back for federal officials to fix. Instead, he may order additional measures that could cost the region hundreds of millions of dollars a year. The resulting losses to farmers, electric utilities, cities and water- and power-using industries could have as big or bigger economic impact than breaching the four lower Snake River dams.

"A flawed biological opinion may result in a permanent injunction directing federal defendants to implement additional spill and flow augmentation measures, to obtain additional water from the upper Snake and Columbia rivers, or to implement reservoir drawdowns to enhance in-river flows," Redden wrote.

The letter comes in advance of a hearing scheduled Wednesday in Portland. Redden said he planned to give the federal agencies more time to revise the drafts and extend the public comment period to the end of the month.

Redden threw out the last proposal because he said it jeopardized continued existence of endangered salmon and steelhead in the watershed. Fisheries officials say the new plans won't - if they take $1.5 billion worth of action.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said habitat restoration programs, hatchery operation changes and predator control, will offset the impacts of the dams on 13 stocks of salmon and steelhead declared threatened or endangered.

But Redden said in the letter he was not convinced that all the actions were likely to occur.

Salmon represent what's left of the wild character of the Pacific Northwest. The fish provide the basis for sport- and commercial-fishing industries that generate more than $3 billion annually, as well as food and spiritual sustenance to American Indian people in the region.

The federal dams provide nearly half of the electricity that powers the almost $400 billion economies of the four states. Barges haul millions of tons of grain and other products from Lewiston.

More than 7 million acre-feet of water is stored in federal reservoirs in southern and eastern Idaho including Lucky Peak, Arrowrock and Anderson Ranch dams on the Boise River. The water irrigates millions of acres of farms, provides water to thousands of homes, parks, schools and recreation and resident fisheries, said Norm Semanko, executive director of the Idaho Water Users Association.

"All of these uses would be jeopardized if the judge makes good on his threat and storage water is shipped downstream," Semanko said.

Spilling water over the dams' spillways helps young fish get to the ocean, but reduces the amount of electricity the dams produce.

Drawing down reservoirs such as John Day on the Columbia River reduces electricity production and makes barging more difficult. It would cost millions to lengthen pipes to keep irrigation water flowing.

This is the sixth biological opinion issued on the Columbia and Snake dams since 1992.

It comes after Redden had thrown out the last plan issued by the Bush administration and an earlier plan by the Clinton administration as inadequate and illegal.

Terry Flores, executive director of RiverPartners, a Portland based group that represents farmers, utilities and businesses that support the federal dam plans said they provide the most detailed scientific analysis ever done on the dams and salmon.

Redden said he may consider having an independent science panel review the analysis.

Redden's letter was aimed at focusing the parties discussion Wednesday, she said.

"There's nothing new in the judge's letter," Flores said. "These are the same issues that have been raised by the judge and the parties for more than a year."
It comes after Redden had thrown out the last plan issued by the Bush administration and an earlier plan by the Clinton administration as inadequate and illegal.

Still going to vote for the anti-hunting/fishing Hillary in the upcoming election Jose?
It comes after Redden had thrown out the last plan issued by the Bush administration and an earlier plan by the Clinton administration as inadequate and illegal.

Still going to vote for the anti-hunting/fishing Hillary in the upcoming election Jose?


Any idea how long Clinton has been out of office? Any idea on the lifespan of a salmon?

Do you support the Dubya adminstrations anti-hunting/fishing policies?
Bush has one year left Jose. I'd rather focus on the policies of who replaces him. Maybe you can make the plight of the salmon a key issue in the upcoming election? Who do you think would make the best candidate to get serious about salmon?

You're full of didnt demand anything from the Bush Admininstration on the salmon issue for 8 years and now you pretend you care?

You dont care who replaces Bush and you sure as hell arent concerned about what they think of environmental issues.

Cast your vote to the multiple use candidate that loves to turn winter range into sub-divisions, graze everything to dirt, mine and leave the mess for the taxpayer to clean up, log every tree, kill all the wildlife, and turn whats left into an atv track.

You seem to like that kind of crap.

So you don't think Bush should do anything for hunters and fishermen for the next year? You are happy with him just lining the pockets of his Big Industry donors and screwing hunters and fishermen?
like I said in the other post - a democrat likes to bitch and complain but not offer any solutions. not voting, just how is that fixing anything? probably won't. but gives you another reason to bitch and complain. see above sentence about democraps. and only jose would post something that contradicts himself. and he considers himself the intelligent one?:confused:
like I said in the other post - a democrat likes to bitch and complain but not offer any solutions. not voting, just how is that fixing anything? probably won't. but gives you another reason to bitch and complain. see above sentence about democraps. and only jose would post something that contradicts himself. and he considers himself the intelligent one?:confused:

Uhhh.... Just because you are stupid doesn't mean everybody else is.

My solution is to breach the dams on the Lower Snake River in order to improve the survival of endangered species.

Are you smart enough to have a solution on the endangered salmon and steelhead?
jose, sounds like I am upsetting you. tough shit. you are a nobody to me. as I should be to you. have never met, and guessing we never will.

and since we don't have a whole lot of those salmon and steelhead here in illinois, nope, no answer for you.

what do you have for me about the loss of pheasants and quail we have around here? after all, you are the smart one. just ask........yourself.

and don't take it so personally when you are shown up. you just make it so damn easy. I mean, you say it is the Bush administrations fault. but the article YOU posted says the problem goes BACK to the Clinton administration. and just like every other democrap, you want to ignore the fact that a democrap didn't fix the problem. is it dark and lonely in your little world?

How stupid are you to think that somehow this is a partisan issue? This is a lawsuit that was filed against Dubya and his administration and how a Judge is slapping him.

Too bad you don't care enough about hunting and fishing to be concerned with the failures of the Dubya Administration.

Always fun to have non-hunters like you on a hunting board....
and again, he avoids answering the questions posed to him.

well, jose, since you started the post with the judge slapping Bush, and ignoring the line that clinton failed also, think you made it a partisan issue.

and again, since you do not know me, you are assuming I am anti hunting. brave little soul. guess you missed the bear pictures I posted. and have the deer pics I can show. and the bobcat, red fox, and the grey fox. haven't caught a fish worth mounting, yet.

you just keep spouting off without any facts. typical democrap.
and FYI. Bush has more land put in CRP than any president in history. unfortunately, that will all go away with the introduction of more and more e-85 cars. farmers will make more selling corn for auto fuel than it will for anything else. so no one can blame the next president for the downfall that will happen.
guess you missed the bear pictures I posted. and have the deer pics I can show. and the bobcat, red fox, and the grey fox. haven't caught a fish worth mounting, yet.

typical democrap.

If you posting pictures of a deer and fox make you feel worthy of carrying your "Life Member of NAHC" card around and crusing gay bars, you go for it....

Whatever trips your trigger.....

The fact you don't care about Dubya failing hunters and fishermen kind of proves you don't have much at stake in the discussions.
and the best jose can come up with is more insults. from stupid, to a communist, back to stupid, and he says I'm cruising gay bars. real intelligence there.

ok numnuts, did you see the part about Bush and the CRP program? do you even know what that is? let me know and I can fill your intelligent mind in.

and one last thing jose. want you to show everyone on this board where it is that I said I don't care about hunting and fishing issues? come on now asshole. you shot your mouth off, now back it up. you can't because I never said what you implied about me. said I don't have an answer for the fish problem out there. difference is, I was man enough to admit that. where was your response to my question about the quail and pheasants? oh, thats right, you ignored because you have no ideas for that.

and as far as the memeberships that I have. does that bother you? not ashamed to be affiliated with any of them. but if it "trips your trigger" to make fun of them instead of answering questions, then you can keep the insults going. nothing like juvenile comments to make one laugh. especially after a day or work. you probably don't know what thats like since you are a democrap and you expect things to be handed to you for nothing.
TLC....whatever you do, don't lie, insinuate, or spread false rumor about uberboy...he holds copyrights on those chickenshit devices.

I'm going hunting laddies....carry on.
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