Drone for Backcountry Adventure

I think it is perfectly possible to use a drone in the backcountry (not Wilderness) for your own filming purposes and not bother other folks. Flying over other people and utilizing drones in the presence of other recreationists is crossing a threshold in my opinion, and one shouldn't do it.

If I were to walk around the corner of a mountain and find a guy flying a drone I admit I may feel that the the wildness of a place is being compromised by technology. But probably not as much as if I were to walk around the corner of a mountain and see a film crew, though no one here seems to have issue with that. I don't think either should be illegal, so long as it is not used to aid the hunt, just document it.
Side note your first video on drone use is filmed in the Columbia River Gorge, about 20 minutes west of where I grew up. That used to be one of the coolest trails on the planet... now you damn near have to wait in line and park on the freeway. Just another cool place loved to dead.

Sad. That's pretty cruddy. How much is too much for the public lands in public hands? /Disregard... Side note from a side note.
“UAVs/drones are not allowed to film a hunt”. Quoted from the current regulations. If this is incorrect then FWP should correct it, as some game wardens may interpret this as meaning they can cite you for “filming your hunt” with a drone.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles UAV (CR) - Use of Drones
It is unlawful for a person to use an UAV/drone for the purposes of concentrating, pursuing, driving, rallying, or stirring up any game animal. A UAV/drone may not be used to locate game animals for the purposes of: hunting those animals during the same hunting day after a UAV/drone has been airborne, or providing information for another person for the purposes of hunting those animals within the same hunting day after the UAV/drone has been airborne. UAVs/drones are not allowed to film a hunt.

This is an interesting change. I originally agreed that my UAV use would not be used to scout game. I brought up how the heck can an aeroplane scout however a UAV may not back when discussing. Seems this has changed! Wow! I can use my drone to scout the same as an aeroplane now!
One of these would sure be sweet for backcountry adventures! It could pack camp and a couple of drones, although it might have a tough time keeping up with a “non-motorized” e-bike.

The thread is for the outdoor video / photo opportunities for any type of outdoor backcountry activity. (Camera photo video sub-forum)

Feel free to start a new thread on it if that floats your fancy... Until then, thanks for pointing out the most recent update on UAV use! To use the same as aeroplane to scout... Now legal. 😲

However, that military mule would sure be fantastic if able to accommodate a para / quadriplegic to enjoy our backcountry! How to recharge... Years away though maybe, just maybe that avid/hardcore hunter who's life took a dramatic twist due to some asshat drunk driver might yet see the backcountry again. 😉
This is a dicey topic.

I have a drone. I use it for photography on road trips, etc. it provides some amazing angles not otherwise possible. There are apps and such that will show you where it can and cannot fly, which is good to be aware of. Not just for the legal ramifications, but also for considerations sake. Every state is different, obviously.

I will say that in AZ scouting with them is ok, AFAIK, however I don’t like it. But I see it the exact same as scouting with planes, your call. Although some places do restrict their usage in that regard. They are not allowed to be used during the hunting season, IIRC.

As for seeing one and being annoyed enough to shoot them, I would be very wary of that. I’m AZ you now run the risk of criminal charges. Especially for t flying over your house, as there would then be a litany if charges such as discharging a firearm within city limits, etc. I don’t like hot air balloons flying low over my house all the time, like 30 a day, but I can’t launch an arrow at the ballon, I get it, apples to oranges.

IMHO, I would use them very sparingly in parks and such. Yes they can provide amazing shots, but the example of being harassed while fishing? I’d be pissed too.

So I erred on noisy places to begin with, I.e. road trips, I’m generally right next to highways and so on, and not over houses, near people, blah blah blah. But the simple fact is this, the population has about doubled since 1970, we need to accept the fact that as much as it sucks, our honey holes are disappearing, and tags will get longer and longer to get.

I use the DJI Mavic Pro. Had it for a while now and I love it.
I bought a mavic pro almost a year ago to film my hunts but not use them to assist me in hunting. Afterwards I investigated the laws in the states I hunt most often and it appears that Hawaii is the only drone friendly state.
That video of NZ in this thread was nice but last June I didn't take my drone with me to NZ because my research indicated that I couldn't use it on DOC land ( public ). I emailed DOC to request permission and was denied. When I got there and did some sight seeing, every scenic spot had a NO DRONE sign posted. I've seen many NZ drone videos in areas that I know are not allowed but I suspect that people just do it anyways.
Caribou Gear

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