Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Do moose bottom rounds really suck, and other musings.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2016
New York
Maybe it was the 30 inches of snow and being home all day tending the fire? Maybe it was the three neat bourbons? Maybe it was that Rokslide thread about moose bottom rounds sucking?
Anyway it had me thinking. Do moose bottom rounds really suck so bad they they should be in a grind lug?
Being so close to Newfoundland.... Is 20 hours of driving and an over night ferry close? Probably not but that's what I tell my wife when go bow hunt there about every three years or so. Luckily that often puts a moose in the freezer.
Back to the bottom round. It was staring at me from the freezer, pleading that it doesn't really I hacked it into cutlets. I then pounded them a bit and turned them into moose piccata, well sort of.... That is I lightly breaded and then fried them, after I then placed them in a hot glass pan which then I then put it in the oven. The still hot frying pan was deglazed with a bit of white wine, which I also drank a bit ...a pat of butter, a bit it of garlic, some fresh parsley, chopped capers and the juice of a lemon.
Please dont grind your bottom rounds....
Merry Christmas
Looks fantastic! Bet it smelled to match and it's taste? You have me drooling!

Whomever creates an internet "scratch 'n sniff" will put Beezos to shame!
I'm generally not envious of other people, but maybe I am a little bit right now. Looks good!
They need a scratch n sniff thread in here LOL.

I had moose sirloin before and that was really good. I have yet to shoot a moose before and gonna try but hard to draw a tag for one.
They need a scratch n sniff thread in here LOL.

I had moose sirloin before and that was really good. I have yet to shoot a moose before and gonna try but hard to draw a tag for one.
Doug I hope you draw and shoot a shoot a great one
Doug I hope you draw and shoot a shoot a great one
Takes about 16 points to draw. One of the few critters residents get preference points for. Still is a random draw so hoping I benefit that way. I turn 65 in May and hoping to get one before I get too old and my health deteriorates far enough I can't.
I've always enjoyed moose, even a rutted out bull with purple ribs.

It's all in the preparation, I cut and wrap my steaks in roasts, trim all the silver skin, always thaw the roasts well ahead of time and cut to whatever thickness I feel like. Cook in a good cast iron pan or on the grill, never an issue.
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