Daughters Antelope Hunt


Jan 21, 2001
She shot a dandy!! here is the story,
The hunt was planned for monday AM, Saturday she had a couple of hours before goin to a part time job , she wanted to go and look, I had 110 gr hp's loaded up in her 7mm-08 for coyotes and practice loads, which she has shot the heck out of, I had 130 gr sp's ready to load before the big day, but I thought we would have a good chance at some more yotes so the hp's would be ok for the morning, We went into the foot hills and glassed and had a good time, we saw a couple of yotes in a hay field about a mile away we started toward them and rounded a small knoll and along a fence coming out of the valley were two Antelope bucks coming right at us, She found a good shooting spot and settled in. I was getting excited , The first buck was a good one, she folded her bi-pod down and thats when things went south. The front stud pulled clear out of the stock, this is a brand new model 7 youth rifle. It really flustered her, I grabbed the rifle and released the back sling and hanging bi-pod, handed it back , by now the bucks were 150 yards and broad side, she sat down jacked in a round and they saw us, which caused them to turn and head back, the bigger buck stopped,which is now angled away, she shot and I saw dirt kick in front of him, thinking buck fever had set in I called out a miss, "shoot again" He went 20yrds turned toward us and I saw the crimson chest and the tip over, She had made a perfect first shot right behind the front leg and the bullet had exited the chest, blowing out the jugular, we hollered and hugged and headed over to a beautiful 13 1/2 buck, The pictures were great and the immediate phone call home to mom was made, now listen to this..I told her I was sorry for callin out a miss, which was the exiting bullet hitting the dirt, she said "Thats alright dad, you were just excited and those things happen" do I have my hands full or what?? At 12 yrs old she is one excited hunter..H2M
Great story!

Got pics???

Congratulations on a wonderful hunt and a great story.. Can't hardly wait to see the pix....

Congrats to her on the Goat.

Sure is nice to have a daughter to hunt with Ya . Mine loves to hunt to and she'll soon be 16.

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