Yeti GOBOX Collection

Damn thieves

I started watching the tinder swindler but shut it off when it said documentary. Is it any good? It seems that Netflix documentaries are one sided and fairly dry.
I started watching the tinder swindler but shut it off when it said documentary. Is it any good? It seems that Netflix documentaries are one sided and fairly dry.
It starts out slow and picks up speed. It's an interesting scam. Stick with it to the end and see how the victim cons the con man. She used his psychopathy to trap him. Shows just how easily the internet facilitates this sort of thing and how difficult it is for law enforcement to stop it. Best way to fight it is with the net. There's already been so much information on this site. The "Hey buddy" warning for example. These assholes count on their victims being so humiliated that they keep their mouthes shut. My hat's off to these gals for stepping up to the plate and very publicly sacrificing their self respect to help put a stop to this asshole humiliating women.
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