Crazy dusky grouse today


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2014
We were out heading towards a spot to glass for bear when we noticed a bird 65 yards ahead next to the road. My buddy asked if it was a turkey so we stopped to look.
Nope, grouse and he started trucking towards us. He ran the whole way with a purpose, then circled the truck several times talking at us.
We spent some time taking pics, and I will upload from my phone.
His horns were bright red when he showed up but turned to yellow as we talked to him. He was friendly but bit my friend when he reached down for a pet.

He followed the truck a hundred yards past where we first saw him. Then on our way back through he came running out of the trees to greet us again.

At some point, I believe they get territorial around the breeding season, which could account for the hostility. Elk and deer, during the rut are equally as dumb to their survival at their breeding times, and I don’t think the grouse is any different. It is just that we see game animals frequently during that time and rarely are in the woods when the grouse is parading his colors...
I’ve been attacked by ruffed grouse here in northern Michigan several times while in a vehicle. They do get crazy this time of year. I remember one attacking my red helmet when I was on a mini bike as a kid. Scared the daylights out of me.
This is pretty common behavior in the spring when they are defending territory and displaying. Over the years I’ve responded to calls from visitors about them attacking everything from small dogs, to shiny bumpers, to people’s hats. They are the badest guy in the woods in the spring. 😁
And then after courtship is over there's the hens with chicks to worry about. Those gals can get just as nasty. Not fun to be in the saddle when some mama grouse attacks your horse's face. Usually they try the I'm hurt with a broken wing decoy trick first. Follow her by all means! Stop the horse to let her settle down and it will only piss her off. Then she goes to Plan B: make a rodeo.
Old boss’s office had a mirrored glass slider door to an outside patio... every spring there’d be a tom or two come off the hill to fight with himself. Pretty comical theatrics at times watching from inside
Was crawling thru a brush tangle one day in Northcentral Pa. and a puffed up male was circling and giving me his best pick-up lines. He was a smooth operator, It were hilarious.