CPW votes to remove lethal means from wolf plan


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017

CPW commission just voted to remove lethal means and phase 4 hunting of wolves from the draft reintroduction plan. I think we all saw this coming with Polis and ProgressNow packing the commission. Next stop on this blue train, remove lethal take of all ungulates!
Sad state of affairs for Colorado. Even Oregon let the local sheriffs' dept kill 8 out of the local pack that was habitually killing beef. Took it down to the alpha female and 1 pup. That was in a unit that's over objective for elk. There's several packs now in E. Oregon.
This took place in Medical Springs last month. You only hear about these things by local news or neighbors. I wonder if it's different in the states that can hunt wolves, if the wolves are as bold as to come right into your yard. https://www.bakercityherald.com/new...cle_0c9fb6ea-a703-11ed-a5d4-2799b0ef92df.html
Why would a wildlife commission vote to remove a potential future tool from their arsenal, other than that it’s all politics all the time. Wow, CO is going to be so screwed up in the near future.
Because the voting majority of the CPW commission does not care about wildlife. The majority has been appointed by the current Governor to affect social justice, ensure the reintroduction of wolves, and any other progressive reforms they deem fit. They do not care about the interests of hunters, anglers, ranchers, outfitters, and rural communities.
Sad state of affairs for Colorado. Even Oregon let the local sheriffs' dept kill 8 out of the local pack that was habitually killing beef. Took it down to the alpha female and 1 pup. That was in a unit that's over objective for elk. There's several packs now in E. Oregon.
This took place in Medical Springs last month. You only hear about these things by local news or neighbors. I wonder if it's different in the states that can hunt wolves, if the wolves are as bold as to come right into your yard. https://www.bakercityherald.com/new...cle_0c9fb6ea-a703-11ed-a5d4-2799b0ef92df.html
It makes quite a difference. Wolves are really smart. When the bullets start flying they become ghosts.
Colorado gets what it votes for. Plenty of people here vote for the same thing.
Wildlife management should not be about R or D agendas it should be about science. If an unbiased group of scientists say management by hunting is appropriate for a population then it should be used as a tool for management.
Agree, unbiased being the key word.
Wildlife management should not be about R or D agendas it should be about science. If an unbiased group of scientists say management by hunting is appropriate for a population then it should be used as a tool for management.
Wildlife management is no longer done by science, its politics in most places unfortunately.
Agree, unbiased being the key word.
Absolutely, I think most state or federal scientists for different agencies doing field work are for the most part unbiased. But there’s no doubt the higher up you go, especially to ones who are appointed by administrations, the more biased they will be. And not to even mention all the different groups that have scientists on their payroll who will parallel their findings to the mission of their organization.
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