Sitka Pre Season Savings

Cottontails The Other White Meat

viral hemorrhagic disease (VHD), is a highly infectious and lethal form of viral hepatitis that affects hares and cottontail rabbits. Mortality rates generally range from 70 to 100 percent. is wiping out rabbits out, with now end in sight.
I do love to hunt them in the winter between other hunting, but I try to resist now.
anyone have beagles and chase them?
I do, but the one i have now is to old and fat to hunt behind anymore. He makes it about 50 yards and has to stop and take a break for several minutes. I think the rabbits in my yard have figured this out and tease and torment him.
I haven’t hunted rabbits in the past three years since moving out of MN. One of my favorite things to do with a good .22. I hope to end this hiatus soon!