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Concerning Article- Pushing babes to violence to bolster flagging hunter numbers


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
I didn't have time to post this the other day, still dealing with this new PLWA website, but wanted to get this out before I forgot. I am very concerned by the falsities, outright lies, being presented by Patricia Randolf of the Center For Biological Diversity.

Patricia Randolph's Madravenspeak: Pushing babes to violence to bolster flagging hunter numbers

We are out of the cave, and we need to be done with the industrial revolution and its dirty fuels, done with animal agriculture and its destruction of life on earth, and done with destroying wildlife for fun and trophy heads on walls.

When I hear Bill McKibben say, “No more pipelines, no more fracking, no more drilling — NONE OF IT!” I say: “No more trapping, no more hounding, no more hunting, no more taxidermy, no more heads on walls — NONE OF IT!”

I home educated my 4 children, because I wanted to raise adults, not perpetuate babies or produce drones. I wanted my children to understand responsibility, accountability, decision making skills and respect.

My anthropological and archaeological background is overflowing with numerous examples of older cultures and current more "primitive" cultures of maturity, coming of age and "adulthood" in humans of young age (teens and preteens). You can hunt and teach respect for other life. Likewise, you can be an immature ass that doesn't hunt and have absolutely no maturity or respect for other life, including other human beings. It is a false syllogism presented involving sexual age of consent, or voting or legal drinking, to understanding "death or who animals are and should be encouraged to develop a conscience".

We evolved and continue as a species as apex predators, not just mentally, but physically. I really enjoyed the books and articles written by Paul Shepard (Coming Home to the Pleistocene) and David Petersen on the subject. Numerous scientific papers abound on our human development due to hunting, including the fats and meat protein necessary.

While some may currently feel that this "aggression" is no longer necessary with grocery stores and such, I personally know the effect that testosterone has in other life applications, not just hunting.

Men don't go through menopause, having no "meno" to pause, but they go through hormonal changes just the same. With the waning testosterone, many men experience a rise in estrogen, making them the "grumpy old men" often joked about. But it also affects motivation. A male friend was complaining last year about having to motivation to go hunt or much of anything else. I suggested he get his hormone levels tested and he was low in testosterone. Once he supplemented, he had motivation again, as well as increased immunity. Our endocrine system is often overlooked.

Hunting does not make a child or adult numb to empathy.

Randolf is either knowingly ignorant or chooses to ignore the vast body of conservation implemented and the Commons created because of hunting/angling conservationists.

Industrialization, population explosions with housing expansions and the cycles of climate change are also responsible for many wildlife deaths.

And as a woman with decades long research of pre patriachal cultures and matrilineal cultures, women's ancient history is full of women hunters before the patriarchy made it against their laws in so many Indo-European cultures, so this patriarchal association is absolute bullshit and pisses me off.

The whole article is filled with rubbish!

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