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Commentary on life and recent events.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
I've been asked to share this with the folks at Hunttalk. It is well written and concise, allbeit a bit inflammatory. Please read it in the spirit in which it is written.

Commentary Part E:

First of all, no one panic that I’m using Commentary Part E in this and you do not have a couple previous to it. They are still under destruction at this time and will someday see the light of the monitor. And just maybe this will assist in clearing up what is in those and others that have and will be written.

Those that know me, know that I am a tolerate individual. Maybe, more so then many. Granted I have been called arrogant, overbearing, outspoken and a real son of a bitch at times. And that is just some of the nicer things said about me over twenty-three years of service to this country. Usually those saying such were victims of my verbal abuse after they had committed some sin against proper military formality or leadership principles.

So here we have last Friday night. Where politeness failed, and being an asshole became the only course of action. Not only politeness on my part but on others as well.

For those totally lost, here is a website that you can visit to at least see the results of actions I took.

Now, let’s examine a couple things I have already spoken on. First is the Freedom of Speech. The First Amendment carries with it awesome responsibilities. Many think it guarantees them the right to say what they want, when they want without any fear of repercussions. Sorry, it is not so. As I have said before, the US Supreme Court states that the right to free speech only extends to that point where it becomes offensive to others. To extend the right of free speech beyond the point of offense is anarchy.

And although Freedom of Speech is part of our birthright, it is not some God given aspect to life nor is without cost. To consider it otherwise, is to invalidate all those who came before that died to insure such a simple concept. Any and all Freedoms have their price.

Let’s look for a second at what this youngster says about war. That he cannot fathom any reason for war. I mean considering that he is using that as a reason for the insult he placed upon me that got his butt banned from chat, it should be looked at. We have to remember that war is the result of the failure of diplomacy. And there have been many wars that should not have been fought, but for the failure for diplomacy.

We also should remember the words of General Von Clauswitz, “War is nothing more then the extension of a nations politics.” Here again we have a failure of diplomacy. And no one hates war more then those that have to fight it.

But the very aspect of Freedom of Speech depends on someone, somewhere standing up and being willing to die so that others may freely speak their mind without incurring a firing squad. The most recent of this occurrence is documented in a small, dusty country once ran by a group called the Taliban. With Iraq following closely behind.

But the very act of this individual equating my being a Marine and serving in Viet Nam, to being that of a baby killer shows how consumed he is with the aspect of war. Is he afraid that he will be sent to fight in one? Is he scared of his own mortality? Is he angry due to the loss of someone close? Who knows? Myself, I really do not care.

Whatever his reasons, he hates that which gave birth to what he so loudly states is his right. The Freedom of Speech. Also note, that he cannot even properly spell speech. Back to Spelling 101 for him. Into the Dictionary Dungeon with him Igor!!!!!

Now for those that witnessed the events that he declares, they will notice a distinct absence of one major aspect within his tale of woe. The truth. So let us clear up a couple minor points for him.

Did I threaten him? Certainly I did. Did I threaten his well-being? Not hardly. Only thing I threatened was his ability to enter our little neighborhood chat if he didn’t get his act together. But when reading his diatribe, you get the feeling that I threatened his physical being. What utter nonsense. How silly is it to threaten violence in an Internet chat room over something as stupid as his being a smart mouthed, spoiled brat. I was just trying to let him know that I was not going to allow him to stay and disrupt or disturb anyone else. Maybe I should not have been so polite that he misunderstood my intentions.

It has to be noted here, that his first contact with the boot program came after he called others a pussy. I will accept that I included myself in that category and kicked his butt through the goal posts from the 40-yard line. Then he returns crying abuse of power on my part. Oh well, you ask nicely until you decide that action must be taken. And other folks had asked him nicely several times.

From that point it went downhill.

Now his placing me within a specific category is nothing short of blind bigotry. When Kate read his remarks, she expressed words I rarely hear from her lips. Remember, bigots come in all shapes and sizes and often have nothing to do with race, creed or planet of origin. They hate one aspect and include any and all that may connect to it in their hate.

In considering this angle, I have to say that the resulting actions taken because of the garbage being spouted on that board is a tad over the top. What am I speaking of you ask? The wholesale deletion of members connected to the primary site this sick individual belongs too. But even as I write this, invitations are being extended to return.

Granted he has insulted the Owner of our playground based purely on the fact he was not getting his way. And the deeper into that hole he had created for himself, the more vulgar he became, directed at both myself and RedFoxy. Of course, you notice I said insult and not what it should be called. I do this in order to maintain some order of intelligence and decorum.

But I believe we are better then that. I believe we need to offer an olive branch. I believe we may have tossed out the baby with the bath water. I also believe that . . . . . err. . . . never mind.

So the individual identified as ‘mini’ proclaims his reasons for being a complete shithead as being just, because he despises war and therefore any person associated with war falls into the category of being unworthy of any respect their due. I can dig that.

What I invite him to do is too look where he got his right of speech. Not earned mind you, just got.

All he has to do is look to the Boston Commons, the Concord Bridge, Breed’s Hill, and many other places in New England. Then look around the world to places like the Argonne Forest in France. Kettle Hill in Cuba. Bataan, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Guam, Saipan, Normandy and Bastone. Then venture over to Inchon, Pushan, and the Frozen Chosin.

Look to the Central Highlands, the Mekong Delta, the Plain of Jars, Hue City, Khe Sanh, An Hoa, Bien Hoa, and a tiny island known as Tang.

Change angle to another island called Grenada, then to Panama. Then glance up to see the ruins of Beirut.

Once finished there, move on to Kuwait. And countless other places I am too tired to mention or have already mentioned before.

What will he find if he cares to really examine those places? He’ll find me and those like me, who cared enough about a single word and later four simple words that we were willing to fight and die for the concept they stand for. First Freedom, then The Bill of Rights.

How sad it is that one should proclaim his rights so loudly and brashly, all the time belittling those that insured he had the right in the first place.

We stood our ground not for the love of war, but so that others may enjoy the same freedoms we have enjoyed. No one hates war more then those that have to fight it. But someone has to be willing to stand on that wall which separates freedom from slavery under tyranny. Has to be willing to die if necessary to insure that others will be free.

Freedom of Speech has its price. Too bad our little friend does not understand that. It would be nice if he and others that know him were to receive a copy of this. Maybe, just maybe someone would understand that a polite society has its rules of proper behavior. And allowing a spoiled child to have his way is not one of them.

How sad it is that he is eighteen, with the temperament of a 5 year old. I have spoken several times about responsibility. His on going remarks shows a complete lack of his ability to accept responsibility for his actions and continues to find fault with those that would hold him accountable for them. And the simple fact that he is being allowed to continue to spout such garbage without repercussions is doing nothing more then reinforcing the concept that he does not have to be held accountable.

Voltaire wrote; ‘Although I do not agree with what you say, I will defend your right to say it with my very life.” Not bad for a Frenchman. But I do not think even Voltaire could tolerate such abuse.

Final thought here. The concept of Freedom of Speech was given to those of us born within the United States as a manner in which to oppose political abuses without fear of a bullet behind the ear. It was enacted so that the public could be made aware of the working of our government. Laws against libel and slander were enacted so that abuses by the press would not run rampant. I know, I know, yes, the press often walks closely to those lines and from time to time we see where they are slapped down and made to pay for stepping over the line.

But the Freedom of Speech is neither Free nor is it painted with such a broad brush many believes it is.

So, someone needs to teach this young man what it is to be a man. Parris Island would be a great starting place for such an endeavor!!!

24 Nov 2003
Sapulpa, OK
Very well put. Most of the folks that use their freedoms as a defense of their actions, have done nothing to insure those freedoms.
This is all very well put!!!
I wonder what usless diatribe will come from the young man, er~~~Young "BOY" in a young mans body....
Will he step up to the plate and pay his dues for his freedoms as others in past times have, or will he sit on his thumbs and spout crap!!!
Sitting around as most do, spouting "If they have no bread, feed them cake".
This was at one time the "Voice of reason" that had no understanding of reality!!!
Another excellant post Dan....

Maybe I'm way off track here but since when do we have to defend our lives, our convictions, and our dead comrades honor to children that have not seen enough of this world to even know what their talking about?

It is only because of the vetrans that you can even log on and spew your crap.
I served my country for 13 years. I also served as President of a Veteran's Organization, before moving to the US. I continue to support ALL soldiers, veterans - especially those of this Country that has welcomed me. Generally speaking, no one abhors war, more than a soldier......

"Nobody loves a soldier, until the enemy is at the gate"

Great posts, guys

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-26-2003 11:08: Message edited by: muskrat89 ]</font>
Maybe the baby needs to stand up and be a man by signing on the dotted line. Only then will the child see what it s that he has and takes for granted....
Very well said. However I have a feeling that young "mini" will not understand any of it.
Yep Canoe, I think your right, said youngster will run around with some self proclaimed, self righous mumbo jumbo about being incapable because of something that he will justify in his own mind not being able to participate in some of the dirtier aspects of what it takes to hold onto the freedoms he spouts he is justified to rightly claim just because of birth!!!
Don't you wish that just that you could have an open public chat when this sort of thing happens?

What an arrogant little #*^@#*! Forgive my profanity, but he's eighteen afterall and quite the mature adult

He's quite lucky that he doesn't share his views about vets in public. He would get a real history lesson. At least one he would learn from and never forget!

I really don't know what more to say since this guy is related to Oscar, but at least he has plenty of years to let reality set in. He's got a lot of growing to do, physically and intelectually.

There's still hope for this piece of shit!

Guesss the writer didnt want a open forum where he would have to answer to MIni publicly. I went to go to the chat to invite him to register here and discovered that I was deleted without notification. Funny thing was I didnt do anything. Maybe they need some prozac?

(btw before you get your dang panties in a wad. I dont support what Mini said, just his right to say it. BUt he should have been intelligent enough to know that he would be banned for saying it there. It was only a chat room on the net.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As I have said before, the US Supreme Court states that the right to free speech only extends to that point where it becomes offensive to others. To extend the right of free speech beyond the point of offense is anarchy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

WTF kind of idiot writes that? ( I hope I offend someone with that