Colorado wolf reintroduction stakeholder advisory group application


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2019
I suspect the people on this forum with any chance at getting on this SAG are already aware, but for the rest of you, applications are being accepted from now through March 31st.

Be aware that the criteria they are considering include this one:
  • Composure and respect working with those with different experiences, backgrounds and perspectives

SAG applicants should also expect greater time commitment to this process than to similar ones. @ least monthly meetings, per the latest Roundtable discussion.
I will tell you this from experience dealing with farming here in California. If you don't get a sit at the table now and keep it you will lose everything. You have to draw a hard line in the sand and fight with every breath. You much be smart and not a smart azz about it. You need to do your homework and be ready to fight. These people aren't dumb! We may think of them as dumb azz's but their as smart as the very predator they want to dumb on you.