Yeti GOBOX Collection

Colorado ski partners wanted

Voodoo was my favorite course… pretty sure this was Voodoo circa 2005
Doug did give you full and distinct credit for pointing us towards the run.

I am utterly horrible at remembering trail names (I guess I'm an 'instinctive' resort skiier, to use trad archery lingo), but I realized when we got over there that it was 'the one on the side of the mogul course'.

I also realized that while Steamboat has always been and will continue to be a favorite of mine, it really doesn't shine unless there's powder and you can get into the Aspens (which were just bobsled tracks last weekend but are probably unreal today).
Warren Miller circa 1950s, Sun Valley. He was hunting rabbits for dinner and living out of his trailer.
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Doug, have you had any snowshoe hares for dinner? Got another two weeks in the season...

It's good enough that I probably shouldn't have stopped, but I got thirsty.


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Hold tf up.
Dude imagine if I started renting it out on the weekends as a mobile chalet and I went back to crashing in the passenger seat. 🤔
Honestly - you could probably do this. Certainly at a resort that allows/encourages parking lot camping like Taos. Or even a parking lot in Leadville.

You could even drop in and cook breakfast and bloodies and be a true BnB.
Thots and prayers needed, guys.
I’m pretty sure I’m getting sick and this is about to turn into a bow hunt.
Luckily, I’m drawn to difficult pursuits.
This sucks...
Right when I was starting to peak...
Thots and prayers needed, guys.
I’m pretty sure I’m getting sick and this is about to turn into a bow hunt.
Luckily, I’m drawn to difficult pursuits.
This sucks...
Right when I was starting to peak...
I got COVID 5 days ago in SOCO, I hope it isn't that. Can you lay low and recover for a few days in your camper? Can you see a clinic or Dr?
I got COVID 5 days ago in SOCO, I hope it isn't that. Can you lay low and recover for a few days in your camper? Can you see a clinic or Dr?
I gotta work one more day and then, like a proper millennial, my parents are coming into town and I can sleep in an Airbnb with actual heat.
Sorry for being a baby, I realize there are actual laborers out there who lay asphalt while they’re sick, but being sick sucks!
I’m like on the cusp of being actually sick right now.
Hopefully I wake up in the am feeling better 🤷‍♂️
Sorry to hear about your covid btw!
Sucks that that chit’s still going around!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
I sleep in a bed, chit and shower in my own bathroom, got antiviral meds to nip it in the bud. I'm good, Douglas, and I'll be well soon. I'm concerned about you in your Eskimo existence. In my ski teaching career I kept going regardless of my health, it took forever to get better.
I gotta work one more day and then, like a proper millennial, my parents are coming into town and I can sleep in an Airbnb with actual heat.
Sorry for being a baby, I realize there are actual laborers out there who lay asphalt while they’re sick, but being sick sucks!
I’m like on the cusp of being actually sick right now.
Hopefully I wake up in the am feeling better 🤷‍♂️
Better today? Hope so. Don't wanna gp down like Big Fin!
Better today? Hope so. Don't wanna gp down like Big Fin!
Still feeling kinda rough and achy all over like somebody beat me up with a baseball bat, but in a hotel room now so hopefully I’ll get a good nights sleep and feel better tomorrow.
Haven’t eaten anything but 2 energy gels since lunch yesterday, so that’s prob not helping.
Ironically, about to eat some pizza.
Hopefully it’s not like the pizza in Portland!
Pulled a total dirt bag/ski bum/lifty move at lunch and skied down to the bottom shack, threw a couple old seat pads on the floor in the back mechanical room and slept through my break. Lol
102 degree fever last night with plenty of shivers and shakes.
Pretty sure that’s the bullet in the Bible for my ski season. 😞
Oh come on man! Push through! It’s like a hunting season, can’t give up till the season is over. All those nice dinners and hotel room are making you soft! 😉

In all seriousness though I hope you feel better!
Oh come on man! Push through! It’s like a hunting season, can’t give up till the season is over. All those nice dinners and hotel room are making you soft! 😉

In all seriousness though I hope you feel better!
When have you ever known me to actually push through a hunting season?
Dude I was #@)(*%* up last night.
I don’t really have a rack to drop on hotel rooms and im not going through what I went through last night in that trailer with no heat.
Idk if I have covid, but I’ve said it before, I’m not playing chicken with that shit.
Get the extended hose and a full size propane tank for that little buddy and run it all night man. It’s time to rally! What happened to CORE? 😉
Get the extended hose and a full size propane tank for that little buddy and run it all night man. It’s time to rally! What happened to CORE? 😉
It’s only a days drive, so I’m gonna head home an lay low for at least a week.
If they’ll let me come back, I might come back.
Kinda need to turn some wrenches in the old cabover cause she had a hell
Of a vibration when I parked her for the season.
If I don’t come back and I recover from this ailment, I’m gonna try to through hike the Illinois river to river trail.