Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Colorado corner crossing legislation proposal

I got this terse reply from Ty.:

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns regarding HB23-1066. I will be voting against this legislation, it is a clear violation of private property rights and could put property owners at risk of frivolous lawsuits.


Ty Winter
State Representative
House District 47
I'd respond that I will be voting against anyone that doesn't support public access to public lands...
Do you know where his district is?
You can also make a campaign contribution to anyone, you don't have to be in his district to support his opponent.

I did that some years back when Jim Allen lied to me about setting the license fees on the one shot hunt at the special fee price. He said right up until the committee hearing he would support it, then told me 5 minutes before the meeting he wouldn't.

I sent a nice contribution to his opponent the next cycle and he go beat...not sure if if my contribution made a difference, but it certainly didn't hurt.
You can also make a campaign contribution to anyone, you don't have to be in his district to support his opponent.

I did that some years back when Jim Allen lied to me about setting the license fees on the one shot hunt at the special fee price. He said right up until the committee hearing he would support it, then told me 5 minutes before the meeting he wouldn't.

I sent a nice contribution to his opponent the next cycle and he go beat...not sure if if my contribution made a difference, but it certainly didn't hurt.
Definitely. I would also like to exert some constituent pressure, and address his 2 lame objections with facts.
We also have to get rid of luken's in Steamboat Springs And put in a pro hunter not a pro rancher Republican. Catlin on the agriculture committee also is a no. He is from Montrose
Not a region with much public land (a few irrigation reservoirs/state parks), just private landowners. One of if not the poorest district in the state. Farming, poverty, meth, no social services. The last census there was so corrupt there is no telling how many people really live there. Staunchly R, very good old boy, big landowners are the power base.

None of which changes the fact that residents there are locked out of public lands elsewhere in the state under existing practice.
Opposition: bosses from Farm Bureau, past county commissioners, all are landowners. Trespassing, violating private property rights are most common concerns, even though that trespassing is already illegal and the proposed bill is written not to change existing trespassing. Sponsor says bill is intended to reduce trespassing. Acting CPW chief of law enforcement taking questions. Noted that different counties deal differently w all trespassing and corner crossing, harsher consequences in Craig area for example. CPW is not taking a position except to ask for clarification.
Opposition: bosses from Farm Bureau, past county commissioners, all are landowners. Trespassing, violating private property rights are most common concerns, even though that trespassing is already illegal and the proposed bill is written not to change existing trespassing. Sponsor says bill is intended to reduce trespassing. Acting CPW chief of law enforcement taking questions. Noted that different counties deal differently w all trespassing and corner crossing, harsher consequences in Craig area for example. CPW is not taking a position except to ask for clarification.
Sponsor wants to do more work w stakeholders, address private property concerns. Bill is laid over to be reconsidered when more legislative and stakeholder work has been done.
I was there and testified and some of you may have heard me. Yeah the spooking cow's thing is bogus. I've hunted around cows in national forest and none of them ever wanted to charge me. They usually just move off to the side. I wish more people would have showed up that were hunters in person. Governor Polis met with Representative Bradley right before this meeting and he said that if a lots of hunters showed up then that may help swing the committee in favor of the bill for those against it. Only 3 of us showed up despite lots of support online for this and that was very disappointing.
I was there and testified and some of you may have heard me. Yeah the spooking cow's thing is bogus. I've hunted around cows in national forest and none of them ever wanted to charge me. They usually just move off to the side. I wish more people would have showed up that were hunters in person. Governor Polis met with Representative Bradley right before this meeting and he said that if a lots of hunters showed up then that may help swing the committee in favor of the bill for those against it. Only 3 of us showed up despite lots of support online for this and that was very disappointing.

Hopefully, this is only the start of the process and perhaps between now and next year we can create wider awareness and support of this bill. Democrat co-sponsors will be critical to moving any legislation.