Christmas is Coming

Foggy Mountain

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2021
Christmas is coming and with it thoughts of buying first bows and guns actually for a child. We need to start them right and make things easy as possible given the day and age. I’m not condoning anything super easy I’m referring to using the correct eye, bows should never be assumed they should be shot with dominant hand. The draw weight must be light enough and another consideration is physical weight.
If anyone needs things to consider let us know so we can help. We may only get one chance at hooking a kid, if the bow is too heavy they child may not like it, draw too heavy, bad habits develop. Wrong eye used causes all sorts of probs such as inability to be accurate except at one range. Also hurts binocular vision for depth perception and squinting the dominant eye may become a safety issue blinding one eye to anything developing on that side.
Easier to just get the right bow, Please ask