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"China bans trade, eating of wild animals in battle against coronavirus"


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2019
the Bitterroot
Hi All,

With a headline like this in the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong's top newspaper), I thought you'd want to be aware of it in the case that the US sensationalistic media and public who hungers for drama pick it up. Figured it'd be wise to be prepared to talk about this within our own communities to do our little part in avoiding blanket generalizations fed by fear which could impact negatively perceptions of hunting here in the US.

The most important difference to understand is that China's "wild animals" that are being banned are actually coming from massive breeding programs and not living in the wild. Considering the pretty horrific conditions of various industrial agriculture around the world, I can only imagine what they might be like. This was actually a significant reason I really embrace hunting, to know the animals were truly free range and living free before they served another role of food for me, my family and friends.

Here is the article:

Hopefully it doesn't get picked up and sensationalized here in the US, but in case it does thought you'd want a heads up.

Heck, if there are coronavirus recommendations to avoid big crowds, then it's a great excuse for me to head into the mountains. Cheers!

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It has to be a real shit show in China, I have feeling the facade we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg
It has to be a real shit show in China, I have feeling the facade we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg
And South Korean. And Italy. If this continues for a couple more weeks we are in deep trouble.
Everything in China media is a facade to some degree, but we have to be careful not to disregard everything or fill in missing details with whatever we wish to be true. This highlights that given the WHO fell for it and now is trying to repair their credibility.
It's pretty wild. Not as deadly as SARS but seems to be super contagious with a crazy long incubation period and some people being asymptomatic. That said, I do feel hopeful. In mainland fear is starting to reside, people are returning to work, stores/restaurants reopening, etc. How the coming weeks/couple of months play out will be interesting.
I know I have cancelled trips because of this. I dont want to be anywhere near an airport until this is taken care of. Thank God for Skype lol
I think it is worse than they are saying. when is started in that city there are 7 crematoriums each have 11 to 15 burners it take 1hr per body. They have been running non-stop since the 25th of Jan. The numbers of dead just don't add up to what they are putting out as the have over 13 cities in lock down at this point. In the city that my wife is from there was a big outbreak and it is not part of the first 13. They have been playing cover out the whole time and the WHO has helped them. I just hope they can get this under control as I need to go back to work in a month.
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It's important to note that a lot of the wild animals being eaten in China, and ones they are worried about carrying the virus, are things like bats, rats, other rodents, scavenger birds, stray/wild dogs, monkeys, etc. The things Americans would never even think of eating. Plus their food/meat handing in public markets are horrid, probably worse than our landfills.

I know that the the media can sensationalize anything, but I think there is little worry that the public will start worrying about our game animals like elk, deer, game birds, etc.

This too will pass, or calm. But, how long until the CNN or the world pick up on CWD here and start a panic?

I truly have started to hate the media.

Yes this is a disease. It ain't new, it ain't particularly deadly.

If you look at China, how many people die of choking on food daily? Or blood clot, or cancer?

My mom, who rarely leaves her neighborhood, is worrying about it. I'm more worried about her falling in the shower.

I hate media
Calm down their Alex Jones

There is reports that lab was infamous for selling their lab animals after experiments to the markets.

Seems communist countries don't pay well? Someone tell Bernie

This too will pass, or calm. But, how long until the CNN or the world pick up on CWD here and start a panic?

I truly have started to hate the media.

Yes this is a disease. It ain't new, it ain't particularly deadly.

If you look at China, how many people die of choking on food daily? Or blood clot, or cancer?

My mom, who rarely leaves her neighborhood, is worrying about it. I'm more worried about her falling in the shower.

I hate media

Viruses change and mutate all the time. This is a previously undocumented strain of corona virus. Most corona viruses cause a common cold in humans. This is one is worse. To say that it’s been here for a long time isn’t really accurate. This virus has almost a 3% death rate just going by the claimed numbers. The flu has about a .1% death rate. I don’t really wanna catch it.

China might be on the right track with the food ban, but I doubt it. Most likely once the disease has crossed to humans and is contagious from person to person, it’s probably too late for contact with infected animals to matter.
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Viruses change and mutate all the time. This is a previously undocumented strain of corona virus. Most corona viruses cause a common cold in humans. This is one is worse. To say that it’s been here for a long time isn’t really accurate. This virus has almost a 3% death rate just going by the claimed numbers. The flu has about a .1% death rate. I don’t really wanna catch it.

China might be on the right track with the food ban, but I doubt it. Most likely once the disease has crossed to humans and is contagious from person to person, it’s probably too late for contact with infected animals to matter.

IF, it crossed from animals


I don't know, but I'd be curious the death rate in last couple week's.

Seems the commies were OK letting some die vs alerting the world.

I'll be interested to see the mortality in Italy.

I really don't buy for a second the coincidence that China's only "known" level 4 lab, was near a market where an anteater started an outbreak.

Sure is interesting how many respiratory diseases seem to start in China.

I dont want it either, but death rates in China and death rates in first World countries might be different?

I've survived AIDS, BIRD FLU, PIG FLU, EBOLA, etc, despite the media panic.

Im hoping to survive I-15 today.

If the Chinese said the sky was blue, I wouldn't trust it.
Regardless of what men in black outfit unleashed coronavirus on the world, eliminating the trade & sale of wild animals is a huge step in the right direction for conservation of endangered species. China is the world's leading market in trafficking in this sickness.

Their market puts tigers, rhinos, bears, elephants, etc at risk for extinction. This is a solid move for wildlife.
IF, it crossed from animals


I don't know, but I'd be curious the death rate in last couple week's.

Seems the commies were OK letting some die vs alerting the world.

I'll be interested to see the mortality in Italy.

I really don't buy for a second the coincidence that China's only "known" level 4 lab, was near a market where an anteater started an outbreak.

Sure is interesting how many respiratory diseases seem to start in China.

I dont want it either, but death rates in China and death rates in first World countries might be different?

I've survived AIDS, BIRD FLU, PIG FLU, EBOLA, etc, despite the media panic.

Im hoping to survive I-15 today.

If the Chinese said the sky was blue, I wouldn't trust it.

While I’m not sure we have proof that it crossed from animals, it probably did.

I don’t know how long they new something different was going on before they alerted everyone. I’m sure they hesitated a bit. I’m also sure it took a while before they realized something unusual was going on.

Even if it came from a lab animal, that doesn’t mean it was engineered. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. Of course feeding people lab animals, or sick animals, is really dumb, and always a bad idea.

I think a lot of respiratory disease originate in China because a lot of influenzas originate in birds and pigs, both of which are framed heavily in China, and I would assume their farming practices put more people in closer proximity to more sick animals than ours do, raising the probability that a virus could mutate and cross the species barrier.

I would assume that our death rates would be a little better. We still don’t do much more than palliative care for viral infections once you have one. Antiviral medication efficacy is questionable at best. I’m not sure with the corona virus in question, but most flu deaths are a result of a flu related complication rather than the flu itself, so good medical care could help a lot on that front. I guess we’ll see.

It just seems to me that we shouldn’t be transporting people from the hotbed areas all over the world assuming that just be cause we live in a first world country it’s probably just gonna be a bad cold.
@Big Fin any chance you or Janis can get David Quammen on one of your podcasts and talk about this subject, he lives in Bozeman.
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