Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Cheer me up boys…

Hunting Wife

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2014
Almost North Dakota, not quite Canada

Work kicked my ass today. Tweaked my knee at work a couple of weeks ago, saw the doc and he couldn’t find anything but it hasn’t felt quite right since. Been kind of babying it hoping for the best. Today I’m not sure what happened. I stepped funny I guess. Big pop, excruciating pain low medial, can’t bear weight on it at all, can’t bend or straighten. Lots of swelling in there of course. RICEing it until my appointment tomorrow afternoon, but I have a bad feeling about my hunting season. 😭

Guessing there’s a surgery in my future. Anyone had a knee surgery in their 40’s? How’d it go?
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Work kicked my ass today. Tweaked my knee at work a couple of weeks ago, saw the doc and he couldn’t find anything but it hasn’t felt quite right since. Been kind of babying it hoping for the best. Today I’m not sure what happened. I stepped funny I guess. Big pop, excruciating pain low medial, can’t bear weight on it at all, can’t bend or straighten. Lots of swelling in there of course. RICEing it until my appointment tomorrow afternoon, but I have a bad feeling about my hunting season. 😭

Guessing there’s a surgery in my future. Anyone had a knee surgery in their 40’s? How’d it go?
Dang, sorry to hear this. My dad had a very similar situation as you earlier spring. Same set of events you described. (not diagnosing you) Tore a meniscus, no surgery. He had just turned 70. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Bummer! Had ACL replacement surgery when I was 51. Was back to work 100% in 4 months. Went to Alaska a month later and no issues. That was a 2 week cruise/tour and not a hunting trip. Hope it's not serious. Good luck!
I'm in my 30s but with some heavy wear and tear. I'm 6 months out from knee surgery. I have done hikes up to 5 miles with 20 something pounds in my pack. I now take trekking poles everywhere. If they get you on the butcher block quickly I bet you'll be able to hunt with the help of a packer. Hopefully it doesn't come to that and you recover quickly.
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It could be worse...
Seriously sorry that happened. My friend when he was just shy of 70 tweaked his knee a few months before going on a Dall sheep hunt in the NWT. His neighbor was an Orthopaedic surgeon told him he had torn his meniscus. He said the there are so many people walking around with that problem and don't even know it and 90% will never have surgery. He gave him a shot of cortisone and said come see me before your hunt and I will give you another one. He did and had 0 issues and killed his sheep. Even today he has had no issues and if he feels the slightest discomfort puts on his knee brace. I have trouble with mine from time to time. I ordered a knee brace from Kenetrek and when eve my kne acts up I put it on and it takes care of it. I always pack it with me just incase.
Pray that it heals quickly and you are back at it soon!
That definitely sucks. Hopefully it’s nothing major and you have a speedy recovery. I’m in my mid 30s and have had 4 knee surgeries. Hopefully you have no damage but maybe if you do have something wrong it can be as minor as a torn meniscus. They seem to make a pretty loud pop and hurt like hell when torn. I’ve had pretty big tears in mine trimmed off and walked out of the hospital that afternoon and was up to 100% in a couple weeks.

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