Caribou at 20 yards


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
interior Alaska
I learned a long time ago the futility of trying to catch up to caribou.
Every bou I've shot, I was positioned so the bull was walking towards me.
Shot this double-shovel bull at 20 yards.
My hunting partner had shot a bull and we were working on his bull,
when this lone bull showed up 200 yards away and walked directly towards us.
My guess is he saw the antlers of the other bull above the brush while we were
below brush level.
Looks like a great bull! Nice to keep the work of breaking down two bulls in close proximity to each other!
So true! I remember one hunt when I shot a double on bulls.
My hunting partner heard the 2 shots, came over to help.
We were almost done working on the second bull when 5 more bulls showed up,
and my hunting partner shot a double.
So 4 bulls to pack out. Took 2 set of antlers, no room for the other.