California SB-252 - Bear Hunting Ban

“Over the past few years, black bears have faced unprecedented habitat loss due to climate change and wildfires, and continued sport hunting in California makes survival an even tougher climb,” Wiener said in a news release announcing the bill. “It’s time we stop this inhumane practice once and for all.”

I'm not gonna look into the over number of hunting and harvest but I can't imagine the harvest that high. Let alone I'm sure they've taken into consideration of the wildfire impact.

Guess their economic expansion hasn't had any effects at all... typical government official. I guess that's what you get from a guy named senator wiener
Is it mandatory to utilize the meat off a black bear in CA?
“Over the past few years, black bears have faced unprecedented habitat loss due to climate change and wildfires, and continued sport hunting in California makes survival an even tougher climb,” Wiener said in a news release announcing the bill. “It’s time we stop this inhumane practice once and for all.”

I'm not gonna look into the over number of hunting and harvest but I can't imagine the harvest that high. Let alone I'm sure they've taken into consideration of the wildfire impact.

Guess their economic expansion hasn't had any effects at all... typical government official. I guess that's what you get from a guy named senator wiener
I don't know what the harvest numbers are either but I imagine they are low with the ban of hunting with dogs and no baiting. I've only seen a few bears, but I've come across a lot of fresh sign the last couple years.

Years ago it was mountain lions, a year or two ago it was trapping, last year it was bobcats, I would guess after bears it might be coyotes?
Is it mandatory to utilize the meat off a black bear in CA?
A quick look at the regulations say you don't have to take the meat, but you do have to turn in the skull to the cdfw.

I don't know what the harvest numbers are either but I imagine they are low with the ban of hunting with dogs and no baiting. I've only seen a few bears, but I've come across a lot of fresh sign the last couple years.

Years ago it was mountain lions, a year or two ago it was trapping, last year it was bobcats, I would guess after bears it might be coyotes?
Or deer or elk or sheep...
California’s politicians are garbage when it comes to hunting. They don’t understand it and don’t want to. I’d bet my paycheck this thing passes unless SCI or someone with a lot of money fights it.

California’s political party always seems to be banning some form of hunting. They are a great example of why many hunters get nervous when a Democrat is president.
A quick look at the regulations say you don't have to take the meat, but you do have to turn in the skull to the cdfw.

I don't live there, but I would think a law requiring use of the meat would go a long ways to counter the painting of bear hunting as a "trophy hunt".
I don't live there, but I would think a law requiring use of the meat would go a long ways to counter the painting of bear hunting as a "trophy hunt".
I wouldn't be opposed to that and it could be a step in the right direction. The way politics and views on hunting goes around here it's a steep hill to climb to convince people any type of hunting isn't "trophy hunting".
Good article here.

30k -40k estimated black bears in California. Up from 10k in 1980.

Hunters harvest about 1k a year with a season closing cap (that hasn't been reached since the hound hunting ban in 2013).

What a mess...
It's amazing how someone can completely ignore data that shows bears are thriving yet still argue hunting threatens their survival. It's mind blowing the conclusions these politicians come up with. They decide on law strictly based on feelings.
It's amazing how someone can completely ignore data that shows bears are thriving yet still argue hunting threatens their survival. It's mind blowing the conclusions these politicians come up with. They decide on law strictly based on feelings.
Data is ignored because it's not necessary. And, it's not a conclusion that is based on logic, it's a political ploy to achieve something for donors/constituents.

Let's face it, some folks simply abhor hunting and want to end it. The way to do so it appeal to the middle on the emotional level and use catch phrases like "trophy hunting" with all of the negative connotation they carry. If you don't have to salvage meat from an animal like a bear, well then you are contributing to the negative connotation because now you're not hunting for food.

There are waaay too many laws that are lacking in any pragmatic analysis.
The state prohibited the use of hounds for bear hunting a few years ago. The harvest went down substantially and most houndsman stopped hunting bear. The bear season ends when a quota of 1800 (maybe 1900) is reached or on Dec. 30. Many of the seasons prior to hounds being banned the quota was reached or close to it by the calendar end of season. recently conflict with humans has gone up and depredation permits are very common for bear. The population is thriving in most areas of the state. When driving mountain roads during daylight hours I consistently see more bears than legal bucks. I'm very angry about this bill but not surprised.

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