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Buy new duck decoys or fix old ones


Active member
Aug 14, 2019
I'm new to waterfowl hunting so this may be a dumb questions to the waterfowl veterans who see this but is it better to buy new decoys or fix old ones. I have an opportunity to trade for some pintail decoys but they're old, dull, two of the drakes have tails broken off, and all of them have to be rigged up. I am not opposed to doing the work if it's worth it. Thanks in advance!
I'm new to waterfowl hunting so this may be a dumb questions to the waterfowl veterans who see this but is it better to buy new decoys or fix old ones. I have an opportunity to trade for some pintail decoys but they're old, dull, two of the drakes have tails broken off, and all of them have to be rigged up. I am not opposed to doing the work if it's worth it. Thanks in advance!
Buy new. Get fully flocked ones, avian makes fully flocked black ducks. You will not regret it. I'll use 6 of those over 100 of anything else and draw more birds in
0% of my limited duck hunting has been done over decoys, but when I look at antique decoys that led to the near extirpation of North America's waterfowl I can't help but think fancy decoys are to attract hunters' dollars rather than ducks.
I agree, considering how much time and effort we already put into this stuff new decoys are worth it. Especially with how much time it takes to get old decoys touched up to look some what decent.

If you run massive spreads pick up the old ones and just throw them in for fillers.
0% of my limited duck hunting has been done over decoys, but when I look at antique decoys that led to the near extirpation of North America's waterfowl I can't help but think fancy decoys are to attract hunters' dollars rather than ducks.
Waterfowl hunting pressure is not the same so you are comparing apples to oranges.

It does really depend on the area you are hunting though.

If you are hunting small bodies of water or local birds in a place they are comfortable loafing or where they have been feeding, the answer is for sure to buy 6-12 fully flocked super realistic decoys.

If you are hunting big bodies of water or a field where the birds weren't actually feeding in it the day before, you want as much mass as possible over realism. In that case, taking 1,000 milk jugs and painting them brown will out perform your 6-12 spread of super realistic decoys.
Those u mentioned sounded really used. I think u could find some used deeks in better shape than that. If u have the time I think messing with old deeks is fun but also nice cracking open a box of new deeks.
How good of a deal are the older ones? Are you giving much up in the trade? I would go with the new ones but also would get the old ones if you were not giving up much on your end and use the winter as a learning curve to redo the old ones. Me and a buddy re did some divers a few years back, they turned out pretty good. I had no money into them they were given to me so i was only out some paint.
I take back what I said, look on Craigslist ir marketplace. You can find slightly used decoys pretty well discounted. Especially if your looking for full body field decoys.
I'd buy a lucky duck motorized decoy or two. Then keep the old ones and just use them as fillers. Those lucky ducks are duck magnets, better than any regular decoy.
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I'd buy a luck duck motorized decoy or two. Then keep the old ones and just use them as fillers. Those lucky ducks are duck magnets, better than any regular decoy.
You talking about the lucky duck swimmer?
I have seen where they just redesigned them, but the old style were nothing but trouble for me
Trade for the used decoy, new decoys are $120 per 1/2 dozen o_O
I was a duck and goose hunting guide on the gulf coast and have tons of older mixed decoys that I picked up off the shore after they drifted off or folks left around a public land blind
they work just as good as the day I picked them up

work on calling skills, lots of idiots are quaking up a storm and will push the ducks to you ,

get near San Antonio Texas and I might have a bag of loaded decoys for trade 👍
One dozen of my G&H goose decoys were a Christmas present from my dad ... when I was in the Army ... 1971-74. I bought a second dozen of them about fifteen years ago. The old ones are better. They still kill a pile of birds every year. My call is a 1960s P.S. Olt goose flute and still use my dad's 1930s bakalite Olt duck call.20201003_215610.jpg