Bow Stolen


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2015
Great Falls, MT
Has anyone on here had any luck recovering a bow that was stolen? Had mine taken out of my truck the other night. I have filed a police report with the description of everything that was taken. With no serial number though, I’m afraid it’s probably long gone. I’ve contacted pawn shops and the sporting good stores and keep checking Facebook and Craigslist. Any other suggestions??
That is awful, im sorry. Looks like you have all the legal actions covered. Maybe go to the local range and tell the guy to look out for it
Has anyone on here had any luck recovering a bow that was stolen? Had mine taken out of my truck the other night. I have filed a police report with the description of everything that was taken. With no serial number though, I’m afraid it’s probably long gone. I’ve contacted pawn shops and the sporting good stores and keep checking Facebook and Craigslist. Any other suggestions??
Shit that sucks man.....I think your doing all you can at this point. Keep checking shops and fingers crossed that it shows up. Unfortunately it seems when these things happen unless it's dropped in the officer's lap their not gone be able to do much either. Good luck!
I had 1000$+ worth of flyfishing gear stolen out of my truck one time and they moor less laughed at me.

Put a picture of it on Facebook if you have it. You might be surprised what tips your receive. Then go get it back personally....
That sucks, hate thieves, not a bow but I know someone who had a gun stolen and blasted it all over social media, pawn shops, and filed police reports. In this case the shotgun had a barrel sticker (I hate barrel stickers by the way) but the thief tried to sell it a couple weeks later to a guy who had his son checking it out with him, the son recognized the gun and barrel sticker still on it from a Facebook post that was shared to a group he was in. They confronted the guy about it, took possession of the gun, called the cops and the guy ran off but was later arrested after they provided the police with his phone number and plate number. Good luck, the more exposure with pictures etc the better the chance of getting it back.
I had the same thing happen outta my jet boat. Whole tackle box, gear, knives, poles gone...... called the cops and they looked at me like well that sucks. I even found one of the pricks cell phones IN MY BOAT turned it over to the cops and they were gonna "look into it" never heard back......I should've kept it and called some of the numbers.....
I had the same thing happen outta my jet boat. Whole tackle box, gear, knives, poles gone...... called the cops and they looked at me like well that sucks. I even found one of the pricks cell phones IN MY BOAT turned it over to the cops and they were gonna "look into it" never heard back......I should've kept it and called some of the numbers.....

I had the same thing happen, plus they took the outboard. It’s hard to put a price on that type of stuff as it is accumulated over years. Insurance company finally told me to go and buy what was in it and send them the receipt. Walking thru the fishing shop with a blank check made it not seem as bad. 1700 in tackle and a brand new Honda 9.9hp 4 stroke made me forget all about it.

Sorry about your bow, hopefully the insurance takes care of you.
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Has anyone on here had any luck recovering a bow that was stolen? Had mine taken out of my truck the other night. I have filed a police report with the description of everything that was taken. With no serial number though, I’m afraid it’s probably long gone. I’ve contacted pawn shops and the sporting good stores and keep checking Facebook and Craigslist. Any other suggestions??
Without hard proof that it’s yours, your probably sol even if you happen to come across it. The worst people are the ones who steal shit.
My cousin had his bow taken out of his truck a few years ago. He contacted the police, pawn shops, and sporting goods stores in our hometown. Lucky for him, a guy we went to school with saw an ad on a local online classifieds with a loaded Matthews for sale at a stupid low price. He contacted the local sporting goods store and spoke with the archery department manager (who knew of my cousins stolen bow) asking if it was a good bow? The archery manager told him to contact the police as he thinks it is the stolen bow. The guy contacts the police and they have him set up a place and time to meet so he can buy the bow. He meets with the thief, exchanges the money for the bow at which point the police arrest the thief. Apparently this "thief" was a suspect on another theft. The police search his home and find an insane amount of stolen property and drugs. Guy gives the bow back to my cousin. Long story short, do everything you can to make it known it's been stolen. Weird things can happen and you may see it again. Doesn't hurt to try.
Unfortunately our insurance deductible is higher than the value so no help there. I had just gotten the bow in November and finished getting everything added to it a month or so ago and getting the hang of how it shot. Hopefully it turns up but more than likely going to be an expensive lesson to not keep valuable stuff in my vehicle. I guess a bright side is that it happened in February rather than the beginning of September...
had that happen yrs a go broke back window and took my bow
my comp covered it tho
That completely sucks. I hope that you are able to recover your bow. Can't stand people who do that.
I lent a spare bow to someone years ago who was trying to straighten their life out, at least I thought. I figured time in the woods would keep them from getting into other things. Well I found out it was pawned. I even knew the shop it was taken to. They wouldn’t disclose any information to me at all. The only way I could get it remedied was small claims court and that would have went no where since the person had no intention on paying me. So it was essentially stolen from me and never recovered. Years later the person did apologize to me and pay me a petty sum which wasn’t the value to try and make it right. Still stings and lesson learned. Don’t lend stuff out and keep it locked up tight.
Start checking pawn shops. The ones I’ve encountered don’t bother asking for proof of ownership. They don’t care if stuff is stolen. I think most stuff there is.
Has anyone on here had any luck recovering a bow that was stolen? Had mine taken out of my truck the other night. I have filed a police report with the description of everything that was taken. With no serial number though, I’m afraid it’s probably long gone. I’ve contacted pawn shops and the sporting good stores and keep checking Facebook and Craigslist. Any other suggestions??
Contact both archery clubs in town and give them the info on your bow plus a picture if you have it. Maybe they will post it on their FB page. Check the pawn shops also BUT don't tell them what your looking for. From past experience as a LEO They are there to make a buck not be the good guy. Also contact the GFPD detective division they get copies of all the pawn tickets in GF's. Let them deal with the pawn shop's even if you spot your bow in one.
Good luck,
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