boutique broad heads vs. off the shelf broad heads


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2016
New Jersey
Just curious to see what's everyone's thoughts about the new trend of selling and using these boutique broad heads? I myself have been using Slick Trick Magnums or Vipers for years and have never had any problems, but now I've seen this past year a surge in advertisement for these what I'd call "boutique" broad heads. The ones I'm talking about like Iron Will and Valkyrie, just to name a few. Do they do the job better than Muzzy's, or Slick Tricks, or Rage? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they're well made, but personally I don't see any advantage to them, plus the price is whole other story. What are your thoughts?
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I also shot/shoot ViperTricks and had great performance from them. Bought 6 Iron Will heads and I can tell you, they are sharper and stay sharp! Shot a doe with them and blood trail was mediocre at best. She went down fast, thankfully. I’ll be using them on elk and bear this year, so I’ll have a better take on them.
Right now, I don’t know if they’re worth the extra cost over ViperTricks or Magnus Stingers.
Those high end heads wont kill them any deader than a slick trick. But I will say the betterade broadheads, such as iron will, will not be one and done heads. They will kill and stay sharp. And a lot of the higher end broadheads come with a lifetime warranty which is super nice if you ever do have a head fail.
I’ve shot 1 Iron Will into my Block Vault over a 100 times and that thing will still cut you. Bent the tip of the one that took the doe down. Got a new main blade and screw in the mail. Overall, pretty good results.
Still, the initial cost.