NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Bobcat and Bass fishing



In a hours I'm headed to the lake to do some hunting and fishing. I talked to a guy I know and they have seen bobcats roaming the shores of bartlett lake around 7:30 am. Figured I would take a shot at it. Will let ya'all know how it goes

We'll didnt have any sucess, even on coyotes' or fox's did some calling for a few hours.
Found some real nice places to call but didnt get there till just befor dark.The lake rose about 40 feet so I was able to go back in the river father. There was no one there or any roads back there. kinda quiet with real good looking country.

Heres the worst part I didnt catch any fish either. Hell I been skunked the last 5 times out.
Should have brought the shotgun there were ducks and geese everywhere.I'm going to try it again on friday.
